Sunday 1 September 2019

As September begins ...

We've a busy month this month, it's my birthday month and we're going to France for 12 days. My Temperature Quilt has certainly had some changes in colour due to our holidays so far. I've stitched to August 31st but September stitching maybe a little late. Here's how they look now.

Temperature Quilt  - day time 

Temperature Quilt  - night time
The latest hot days and nights are from our few days in London. This trip was my treat to put the last two years behind us. We had a super time including Afternoon Tea at The Waldorf Hotel and a evening at the theatre to see Les Mis in concert.

I've blogged about our few days in the capital on my wine, good and travel blog - Aimetu's. Here's the link to each blog post:

I have been working on a seasonal chart that I received as a gift from Rosey in one of her giveaways. I have one piece to do and hope to have it finished in time for GG September although I'll have to take it on holiday to finish it.

I'm also hoping to get a few more hardanger ornaments stitched for my tree, which reminds me I need to order some more perle cotton.

I love cooking for dinner parties, especially if a themed evening. Last month we held a Turkish evening for our friends who are coming to Turkey with us in October. They have not been before.

I wanted a table runner but the one I found was very expensive. By chance Hubby and I popped into a charity shop where I picked up the perfect solution .... a silk scarf, it looked amazing.

Our Turkish dinner
Turkish nibbles
Baklava, Turkish Delight 
It was a great evening, I loved making the food. We did buy bread, baklava and the Turkish Delight from a Continental store that sells food from all around the world. I'll be cooking this again as two of our friends could not make the evening and having seen the photos have asked if we'll do it for them.

To end my not very stitchy post I have some photos to share. Our daughter and her partner have just returned from a holiday in Malta. Hubby and I have said it's somewhere we would like to visit too. They had a super time, staying in three separate locations so managed to explore all the island and Gozo.

One reason for choosing this Mediterranean island was my Dad was stationed there at the end of WWII. Her partner's grandfather was also there for a short while although we are not sure where exactly.

We do know where my Dad was from his photographs. He served in the Royal Navy in the R. N. Hospital in Bighi which is on the cliffs at Valetta. We managed to find the building on Google maps, amazingly it is still there so whilst on holiday they were hoping to visit.

Not only did they find the building but our daughter managed to stand in exactly the same spot as my Dad had stood in his photo.

Dad in his Navy whites aged 19 - 1946
Philippa - 73 years later !
Dad's photo of the hospital at night
Philippa with the hospital in the background - I love this photo
I was moved to tears when I saw the photos, tears of happiness and tears of sadness. I so wish I could show him but I'm sure he was looking down with pride.

I hope your September brings flying needles, peace and tranquillity as we move into the autumnal time of year.


  1. Your TQ is looking great, and your Turkish meal looks delicious. I love Turkish/Middle eastern food.
    It must have been very emotional seeing the photos Philippa re-created

  2. I have been to Malta many many years ago. And Gozo. So touching that your daughter managed to take photos where your father had stood. As for the Turkish dinner I love Turkish food and especially fistik baklava and lokum as I was born in Istanbul. I usually make such a dinner after I return from a country and have tried their food. While visiting my son on Kos island we did a day trip to Bodrum in Turkey. Where will you be going in Turkey? AriadnefromGreece!

  3. The charity shop scarf made an amazing table-runner for all that lovely food. Glad the evening was a success. Thanks for the links to London too. Looks like most of your month was filled with good food and drink! :)

  4. I love your Turkish feast and the beautiful scarf. Turkish Delight is one of my favourite sweets too.
    The two photos are very special, you can feel the history between them.

  5. What a wonderful way to celebrate your birthday, I hope you have a fantastic time!
    Your dinner party looks like it was a hit, what a fun idea to have it before your trip. And to do it again, even better! Nice save by your DH with the scarf.
    I love the recreation of your Dad's photos, what a treasure for you and your family!
    Safe and happy travels to you this month AND next month with friends.


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