Sunday 21 July 2024

ISHW July 2024

I missed June's stitchy weekend as we were on holiday and although we had a busy Friday and Saturday I am dedicating today to my stitching (once the ironing is done)

International Hermit and Stitch Weekend is based on Facebook, hosted by Jo, Joyce, Ee Koon and Bonnie IHSW on Facebook

I'm working on a secret project that is a new craft to me. I'm sorry that is such a tease sentence but I really cannot say any more other than it is for our daughter's and son-in-law's first anniversary. I can't believe it's neatly a year since this beautiful day.

My project has these threads - the wedding colour theme and the ones I used for their sampler. My Stitch-opedia book has been a valuable help too. I

Happy stitching everyone, thank you for calling by.

Thursday 11 July 2024

July's Fully Finished Objects

Rachel, Ten Hour Stitcher, is the super host of Fully Finished Objects which is a great opportunity to show and tell about our crafty items that are completely finished.

My Mum sadly away on 8th June, a day before we left for France for a month away. It was a blessing as Mum had been unwell for many months, she was amazed to have reached her 85th birthday on the last day of May. I'm glad I could say goodbye before we left, Mum is now at peace.

I didn't stitch much on holiday, I find hotel rooms do not have good enough lighting and our villa was quite windy so impossible to stitch outside although perfect to enjoy the view. I have written about our time away on my other blog, here's the link: 

My FFOs this month are the beautiful Santas my friend Gill sent me, you may have seen them on my June GG post.

I haven't stitched much since coming home either, life is quite busy with a few things at the moment, Mum's funeral being one of them. 

Hopefully I will get going again soon and pick up on my blog reading, apologies for not passing by  but I'll be catching up with your news soon.

Friday 14 June 2024

Gifted Gorgeousness June 2024

Gifted Gorgeousness is hosted each month by the lovely Jo at Serendipitous Stitching. GG, on the 15th of each month, is when we share our latest gifts. These can be gifts given or received, or any item made using fabric, threads, buttons, ribbon, chart, backing fabric that has been gifted.

I received these beautiful Santas from my friend Gill, a member of Needlecraft Haven. I love them, I'll finish them the same as the others so they will be in next month's Fully Finished Objects.

I posted this on my Fully Finished Objects post, thank you to those who read my blog and sent such lovely comments, it really means a lot, thank you.

As you know my Mum has been unwell for the last couple of years, for the last three months she has been in bed being nursed at home. Sadly she passed away last Saturday, she was amazed to have reached her 85th birthday on the last day of May.

We are currently in France for a four week holiday, part of which our two grown up children and their other halves will join us. With Mum passing on Saturday we could say goodbye before leaving for France on Sunday. I was quite worried it may have been while we were away, I had the same worry when we went on our cruise in April. My stepdad will still live at their bungalow so there is no house to clear and he will do all the legal requirements so there is no point in us cancelling the holiday, I think to be honest we all need the break. There will be many things to do once we're home but nothing urgent just now.

Sad times but Mum is now at peace. 

Monday 10 June 2024

June's Fully Finished Objects

Rachel, Ten Hour Stitcher, is the super host of Fully Finished Objects which is a great opportunity to show and tell about our crafty items that are completely finished.

I have only finished my Santas this month. It's been a busy few weeks since we returned from our cruise.

As you know my Mum has been unwell for the last couple of years, for the last three months she has been in bed being nursed at home. Sadly she passed away on Saturday, she was amazed to have reached her 85th birthday on the last day of May.

We are currently on our way to France for a four week holiday, part of which our two children and their other halves will join us. With Mum passing on Saturday we could say goodbye, I was quite worried it may have been while we were away, I had the same worry when we went on our cruise in April. My stepdad will stay at their bungalow so there is no house to clear and he will do all the legal requirements so there is no point in us cancelling the holiday, I think to be honest we all need the break. 

Sad times but Mum is now at peace. 

I did finish this card last month and have shared it in Gifted Gorgeousness but not FFO. They had a lovely wedding, no rain which at the moment is a very rare day here.

Friday 31 May 2024

May Smalls

Rachel at Ten Hour Stitcher is the host of Smalls SAL 2024 and this month my Smalls are small, I have just two Santas.

I have been concentrating on my tablecloth and finishing my embroidery. I did stitch two Santas and I hope to do a few more in June although we are away. 

I have received some lovely Santas for my tree, thank you. I'm hoping to get the fully finished for June's FFO.

Sunday 26 May 2024

WIPocalypse May

Well it's WIPocalypse check in day, which means a month has passed since our holiday. I was planning to work on my tablecloth, did I? Oh yes, on the plane both flights, on our balcony overlooking The Rock of Gibraltar and in the Lounge on board our cruise ship Marella Explorer. 

I have also been stitching on it since we came home and whoo hoo the border is stitched. 

I am not ironing it yet so it looks very creased, the reason is as it is my holiday piece it is golded ready for our next vacation which is coming up soon. I am now working on the satin stitch around the cross stitch, I'm not adding anything to the working or in the centre. After which there's a lot of nervy cutting to do, always a worry and it hurts my hand to hold the scissors too long. This will be my next holiday project. 

WIPocalypse is hosted by Mel at Measi's Mutterings  you will find everyone's post links on her blog.

This month's question is how do I distinguish between a Work in Progress and an Unfinished Object?

For me a WIP is something I am working on but is not my main focus and can often be left for long lengths of time, as with my tablecloth.

A UFO is something I have started, maybe stitched but not fully finished, that I am unlikely to complete but it's kept in a drawer somewhere. This year I have looked at my drawer of unfinished projects and might do a few once my current projects are complete.

Monday 20 May 2024

ISHW May 2024

International Hermit and Stitch Weekend is based on Facebook, hosted by Jo, Joyce, Ee Koon and Bonnie IHSW on Facebook

I've had an extended stitching time as I took my tablecloth on our cruise. You can read about our travels on my other blog: 

Wine, food and travel with Clare 

I have done quite a bit on my tablecloth, just one corner to go and I've done the outer edge. 4

We are away for most of June, I will be taking my tablecloth but I can't stitch just one project for a whole month.

I have a couple of kits I could take and I will do a few Santas. I wonder if I'll manage to stitch every day.