Saturday 12 September 2020

Birthday thank you

Thursday was a day I was not really looking forward to ... I was very pleased to turn another year as it's been quite a challenge getting here but having chemo is not the nicest birthday treat.  However ignoring the time at the hospital my birthday has been lovely thanks to my super family and caring friends. 

Earlier in the week I received these beautiful gladioli from Julie, she sent them early so they bloomed for my birthday .... and they did - thank you Julie.

I received so many lovely cards and gifts including a beautiful scarf from my friend Brenda in Canada and a gorgeous new rose gold bracelet from Hubby. Our son gave me a wine book that I have been wanting - Oz Clarke English Wine. 

I was a bit confused when I opened the book as the inside page was upside down and I did wonder if it was a PR trick but soon realised the book was bound upside down by mistake. He has had it replaced but I do get to keep the original which is nice as it's so quirky.

Two of my stitching friends  sent me a stitched card, both are absolutely gorgeous and I am already thinking what I can do with them - thank you Gill, thank you Mary.

Jo and Christine included flowers for my church tree with their cards, I'll be including them in my GG post in a few days. Here's a clue to Christine's flower as she made me a matching brooch - thank you Christine. 

I was resting on the sofa when back home when I could hear singing .... my super Hubby and son came into the lounge with a chocolate birthday cake complete with lit candles singing 'happy birthday' - it really made me smile, what a lovely treat! 

Our daughter who lives in Cardiff had video called earlier in the day and said to watch for Postie. The day was getting on and nothing had arrived, I was getting so concerned as we were video calling again late evening and I was worried about saying nothing had come and her being upset. 

Our friends popped round for a coffee in the garden, it was quite mild even if getting dark. A delivery came, more flowers, this time from my SIL. I was getting more and more worried when I heard the back gate open and there was our daughter and her partner .... no Postie delivery they came themselves, what a surprise!

Because of the restrictions we all have at the moment and my extra precautions they stayed at a nearby hotel instead of here with us. Yesterday my lovely family laid on a delicious Afternoon Tea in the garden, I really didn't expect us to all be together for my birthday this year, what a lovely few days - thank you Nick, Michael, Philippa and Michael. 

These are the important things in life; family times, friendships and kindness. I am so very lucky to have such a lovely family and such caring friends - thank you everyone, for help over the last difficult months and for making my birthday another special day! 


  1. Oh Clare so happy for you , I can see you had a wonderful Birthday .
    How lovely your family came and what beautiful cards gift's and flowers .
    You are so loved .
    Enjoy your weekend .

  2. I am glad you have a wonderful birthday and I wish you many many more. Big hugs

  3. What a beautiful birthday you had Clare! :)

  4. I am so happy that you had an enjoyable Birthday and a lovely surprise visit too! Did Christine stitch a pansy by any chance?
    The cake is lovely and the spread they put on for your tea is wonderful!

  5. Belated Happy birthday Clare. Lovely gifts you received and the celebration with family looks wonderful.

  6. Oh Clare I am so happy you were able to have a family celebration for your birthday. And yes family is important. I am not near but I hope your day was fantastic !!

  7. It's great that despite having a chemo treatment that day that you were able to enjoy your birthday celebrations, Clare. Thankfully the weather played its part and let you have afternoon tea in the garden on Friday :)

  8. Clare, it sounded like such a lovely birthday from such wonderful people in your life. We share a birthday month. I love the month of September and I'm sure you do too.

    Your gifts were all so very pretty and the little surprises were all special. You are handling this illness with grace and style my friend. We all love you and a very belated happy birthday. RJ@stitchingfriendsforever

  9. How lovely to have your family round for tea. The cake looks magnificent

  10. It looks like a wonderful birthday celebration for you, Clare. You have had quite a year and this particular birthday has to feel extra special. I do hope your coming year is filled with better health, a cure for Covid and lots of family and stitching time--Happy Birthday! ♥

  11. This is one of the loveliest posts I have read in a while. Happy birthday. x

  12. I’m glad you had such a wonderful birthday Clare! What a lovely tea party too!
    Barbara xx

  13. Uh oh, I'm a bit behind in my reading! It looks like you had a lovely birthday, especially with a surprise visit. I like to do that for my parents sometimes, it keeps them guessing! I'm so glad you had a wonderful day, making memories and getting spoiled. Sending belated birthday wishes and cheers to many more.


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