Friday 26 February 2021

February Smalls


Mary at Mary's Thread hosts the Smalls SAL. On the last Friday of the month we share our small stitching items that we have completed but not necessarily fully finished. Mary has a link up post on her blog so we can pop over to see everyone's work. 

This month my smalls have been my two 12 Days of Christmas ornaments for Day 2: Two Turtle Doves. I'm stitching these as a SAL with Needlecraft Haven, Jo's Facebook SAL and the Christmas Ornie SAL blog hosted by Kaye. 

I'm doing Jardin Prive and Plum Street Samplers designs and am finishing both sets as individual pieces - you can see my Day 1 finishes on my FFO February post.

My Jardin Prive piece was fun to stitch, I think the white will show more once it's made up as there will not be so much background fabric.

My Plum Street Sampler piece was a nightmare.... three frogs visited which isn't easy as I'm doing these over one. And I noticed once the photo was taken I have a crease, it wasn't there stitching it and I store them flat .... this piece is spooked for sure!

I think I have stitched what I wanted to this month, I'll know for sure when I post February's WIPocalypse on Sunday. This afternoon I'll be sitting up my March plans ... DH loves (not) the end of each month as I need my boxes of stash from under the stairs, I do make a list so I get everything I need in one go ...

... so I best go and make the list 😉


  1. Love both pieces Clare and i'm sure the crease will disappear once you have made it up.
    I keep my seasonal things up the loft and Mark dreads me asking, lol

  2. Beautiful stitches.
    Have a nice weekend. Manuela

  3. Clare: They are both beautiful designs, I hope the crease irons out.
    Have a sweet day


  4. Both are so pretty, Clare! Yes, frogging when stitching something over one is a nightmare--hope the rest of the pieces go smoothly :)

  5. Sometimes the simplest stitches cause the most frogging. The more complex ones I pay more attention too. I hope the frog is gone for good. Pretty turtle doves!!

  6. Sometimes I find that once you start frogging a piece, it just seems to lead to more! At least day two is now completed.

  7. They both look lovely but I agree that over one frogging is not fun!

  8. They are lovely Clare. The Plum street looks wonderful stitched over 1


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