Sunday 10 July 2022

Fully Finished Objects in July


Rachel, Ten Hour Stitcher, hosts Fully Finished Objects, a super chance for us to show and tell about the crafty items we have completely finished. Thanks Rachel, your FFO prompt each month really helps me finish my projects, especially my letters for this year church tree.

I only have a few FFO this month as we had a lovely long holiday in Germany and France. There's plenty of photos in my travel blog.

My first finish is very special to me and hopefully the first of many. I previously blogged about my late Dad's pennants and how I'd washed them. 

Well I managed to have four pennants ready for the Jubilee celebrations. This one had frayed binding and was gathered so I carefully took the old binding off and replaced it. 

I'm so pleased how it turned out, it looked perfect around my cake table. I now have the others to do.

My other three FFOs are letters for the Alphabet Tree. I need to see how many I now have, I'm hoping there is about enough so I can concentrate on other stitching.

Thank you Rachel for hosting another month of Fully Finished Objects.


  1. More lovely letters and I like the flag , enjoy your new week .

  2. Clare: Your ornaments are stitched on a very pretty color fabric, you did a perfect job of redoing the pennant.
    Have a beautiful day


  3. The letters are lovely this month. The pennant looks as good as new too!

  4. Thank you for entering July's FFG SAL. The letters are gorgeous of course. Judging from your photographs a while back, you potentially have a lot of pennants to do. I'm sure the sentimental value will spur you on to make as good a job on all of them as you have on this first one. Good luck! :)


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