Friday, 27 October 2023

October Smalls

Mary at Mary's Thread is the lovely host of the Smalls SAL. On the last Friday of the month we share our small stitching items that we have completed but not necessarily fully finished. 

Thank you Mary for hosting this great SAL, it's a super way to see everyone's little stitching and to remind me to share my stitching.

I have been working on six hardanger hearts for this year's tree at church. I am reshowing The White Tree from 2019 with these added hearts for our family as it's a wedding year. I also have a beautiful hardanger ornament to add from DJ, details in my GG April post.

I will add white ribbon hangers to them all and decorate the tree with white tinsel and white lights. I'll be sharing the photos in December.

My other small was not made by me but another crafty creature. I'm not a fan of spiders, especially when they visit my home, but I do admire their work in their own environment. This morning it was a little bit foggy which highlighted the delicate web on my bird hanger, such beautiful crafting.

It's Halloween next week, my decorations are up, I'll share them on Tuesday ๐ŸŽƒ


Rachel said...

Beautiful ornies. Does your heart race every time you go to cut a thread or are you at home with hardanger pieces?

diamondc said...

Greetings Clare: Your hearts are lovely it will be a beautifully decorated tree.
I am amazed at how fast a spider can weave a web, they are creepy creatures but their homes are stunning especially when the sun is shining on them.

Have a great week