Friday, 29 December 2023

December Smalls

Mary at Mary's Thread is the lovely host of the Smalls SAL. On the last Friday of the month we share our small stitching items that we have completed but not necessarily fully finished. 

Mary has decided to hand the reins over so in 2024 Rachel will be hosting the Smalls SAL each month. 

Thank you Mary, your monthly SAL has been such a help over the years with my church ornaments, I wish you busy needles in 2024.

I have decided I am going to try and get sorted with my bits and bobs stored in various bags and boxes. Some need making up, some need the stitching completing and others just need doing.

My first small falls in the last category, it's a plastic canvas kit that has been in my stash for ages. I'm not a fan of kits because it takes me so long to sort the coloured threads and decide which is which. 

Anyway this little kit is stitched, I quite enjoyed seeing the partridge coming to life as I fid the back stitch. 

My other two smalls are also on plastic canvas, I'm trying to use it up as I seem to have quite a bit in my stash. 

They are two Father Christmases that I found the charts for in my folders of saved magazine pages. I'm not sure about the blue one, it's hard to see the tree he is holding but I'm sure they will find a use once completed. 

I'm hoping to make them all up soon so they can be included in Rachel's Fully Finished Objects blog post on the 10th of January, it will be a good start to the new year.

Wishing everyone a very Happy New Year ๐ŸŽŠ


diamondc said...

Happy New Year Clare: Love these designs, that Santa is so adorable.


Pamela said...

Very nice! They look great on the plastic canvas.

butterfly said...

I love the ornaments, I love stitching on plastic and paper too.
Happy New Year, hugs June.

Tiffstitch said...

Oh, those Santas are fun! I'm sure you'll finish them beautifully.

Astrids dragon said...

They look great, looking forward to seeing them fully finished.

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

Fabulous ornaments! I love that little partridge, he's so cute.
That would be a good theme for a tree - partridge in pear tree ornaments!

Rachel said...

The tall skinny Santa made me giggle!
Hope to see you in the Smalls SAL next year.