Thursday 31 May 2018

As May closes

I have not blogged much this month, or had time to read many blogs for which I apologise. Since DH retired we've been busier than ever, holidaying but also working hard in our garden.

My stitching has been only for gifts which I shared in my last post for Gifted Gorgeousness. My latest two pieces are also gifts but I cannot share these just yet ..... so here's what's been happening in our garden.

Tree gone, old deck gone
New slabs down and new deck laid
A few weeks on with our hard work putting up the gazebo
and moving stones/slate around
New bird feeder and my pots which have grown
since this was taken
New slate and more pots that have also grown 
Newly painted birdtable
The chairs, pergola and these plants are the
next to be done
Well deserved coffee in my new Turkish cup at our new
table and chairs, on our new deck, under our new gazebo
There is just the top right corner to do, taking down the pergola and having a new shed but this needs a skip so will be done in a few weeks when we return from our holiday in France.

DH has worked so hard,  thankfully we had lovely weather. It has been raining since last weekend with thunderstorms, great for my pots and we were pleased the gazebo was waterproof.

As I said we're off to France for a week, self catering as I am missing 'being French' and am looking forward to shopping at the markets and cooking for ourselves.

I'll be sharing those gifts when we return and of course showing my holiday stitching which is packed already .... off now to pack some clothes too!


  1. Looking really good and well worth all the efforts.
    Enjoy your trip to France.

  2. Such a lovely outdoor space you both have created!

  3. Playing catch up with blog reading .... lovely gifts you've made for friends. The garden looks superb with the new updated seating area, hopefully I will be able come and joining you for a cuppa (and maybe a homemade nibble) to test it out.
    Have a lovely time in France.

  4. Wow, Clare! All your hard work is really paying off now! The garden looks wonderful! Love the paint you used for the bird table. Hope you see lots of pretty birds there.
    Wishing you a great holiday, and looking forward to seeing any stitching when you return!
    Hugs, Barbara xxx

  5. Snap Clare! You've got the same new table and chairs as we have :)
    Your garden is looking splendid

  6. Your garden is looking lovely. It invites you to go and sit awhile in it.

  7. The garden looks lovely, you will be rivalling June Butterfly next year!

    Have a wonderful time in France.

  8. Your garden looks fantastic! What a beautiful place to enjoy.


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