Monday 15 April 2019

Gifted Gorgeousness- April

It's Gifted Gorgeousness time, unbelievably the fourth of the year. Every month on the 15th we post about any gift sent or received or any item we have made using fabric, thread, chart or finishing item that was gifted. This super idea is hosted by Jo at Serendipitous Stitching, you'll find links to all the other bloggers taking part on her blog.

My GG this month is a huge thank you to two special friends who live overseas and sent lovely cards and gifts as a pick me up after my surgery. I was so touched by their kindness, it certainly made me smile.

Deb sent me such a beautiful card, the words brought tears to my eye. She also sent some lovely fabric and some UK stamps she hadn't used whilst on holiday here - thank you Deb

Beautiful card, fabric gift and stamps from Deb
My other parcel was from Dusty, we've been friends for a long time, she came over to England and stayed with us a few years ago. I was so surprised when I opened the parcel; fabric, threads, ribbon, a super little chart and lovely card - thank you Dusty

My get well parcel from Dusty
As well as sending such lovely gifts Dusty also send three stunning hardanger ornaments for my Christmas Tree - they are just perfect, I'm looking forward to hanging these in church.

Three beautiful hardanger ornaments for my church tree
One of the ladies at Needlecraft Haven lives in Australia and recently had an emergency eye operation meaning she had to rest for many weeks - very difficult to find things to do if your sight is affected. I made a little hardanger coaster for her and sent a few pampering items and some chocolates. I was quite nervous posting her parcel as if it ended up by sea the parcel would have arrived long after her recovery ..... but the Post Office did as requested and it was sent airmail arriving whilst she was resting.
Hardanger coaster for Lesley
Pamper parcel that safely arrived in Australia
A gift is always a joy to receive and and even greater joy to give ....


  1. Beautiful gifts both sent and received, Claire.

  2. Lovely gifts. Enjoy! AriadnefromGreece!

  3. I have enjoyed my visit today. Your hardanger coaster is very sweet, and such a thoughtful gift.

  4. Fantastic gifts given and received.

  5. Thanks for taking part in GG this month, not only do you have a Full House, but you have the Number 1 spot 3 times already!
    Lovely gifts sent and received - but oh, those Hardanger Ornaments! You will have the best-dressed tree this year.

  6. Lovely gifts, the Hardanger is gorgeous

  7. What lovely gifts you received Clare and well deserved. And what a wonderful gift you sent to Australia. I'm sure you brightened Lesley's day very much. RJ@stitchingfriendsforevere

  8. Such lovely gifts given and received!! I am always impressed with hardanger projects, oh the patience to stitch them!!

  9. I love the hardanger star ornament. It really makes me want to brave creating these little pretties...! Your gifted coaster sort of reminds me of tetris pieces, only in softer colors. Very lovely! The care package was well thought out and good on the post office for actually doing The Right Thing! :))

  10. A lovely selection of gifts, very thoughtful ladies.

  11. All lovely gifts, both received and gifted. Stitchy friends are the best!


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