Friday 5 March 2021

A bit of upcycling

For my birthday last September I received, along with many others, two beautifully stitched cards. A lovely ABC sampler from Mary and super flowers from Gill. 

It seemed a shame not to use them so I did a bit of upcycling. We have a digital photo frame that has a permanent collection of family photos but for each special day I am putting together a collection of relevant photos to show. I'm saving them on SD cards, so far I have one for our daughters birthday and over the next week I'll be making one for Mother's Day. 

I have an old Pandora box (I keep any useful box) which is just perfect for storing my SD cards and USB pens. It looks like a book when stood up, I thought Mary's sampler was just perfect. I used bits from my stash for embellishing, the gold edging had a bit of a twist in it but I think it looks ok. 

I had a new mug that came in a lovely box with a lid which was so nice and like I said I keep old boxes, Gill's flowers match perfectly. I'll be using this to keep my lip balms and hand creams in, it looks great on my side table.

Thank you Mary and Gill for your beautiful stitching. I'm so pleased I'll be able to see your stitching in the lounge, better than being shut in a drawer.


  1. What a great idea and a great way to display .
    I have a few hand stitched cards and might make a small pillow with them one day .

  2. Clare: Wonderful ideas for box tops, your idea give me many ideas.


  3. Clare: they are beautiful box tops.


  4. That is such a nice idea, Clare! Both of your upcycled creations are so pretty and how nice to have those pretty cards made into something that you can use on a daily basis.

  5. What a great way to make use of those lovely cards. I scrapbook some of mine or put them in a photo album together.

  6. Wow! What a fabulous idea! I've been getting stitched cards lately, now the wheels are turning! Thanks for the brain food! LOL

  7. Those turned out wonderful! Perfect way to recycle the boxes into something useful and add something pretty to your table!

  8. Lovely cards from friends and what a great way to see them all the time!


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