Saturday 27 March 2021

March smalls


Mary at Mary's Thread hosts the Smalls SAL. On the last Friday of the month we share our small stitching items that we have completed but not necessarily fully finished. Mary has a link up post on her blog so we can pop over to see everyone's work. 

My first two smalls are my 12 Days of Christmas: Plum Street Samplers and Jardin Prive. I'm enjoying these, especially as I am linking in with the SALs at Needlecraft Haven and on Facebook. The photos are not quite the right colour as I took them in electric light  it's amazing how artificial light changes things isn't it,

My next small is my November Flip It, just one to go. I have lost a little interest in these as my original plan for them has changed. I do seem to stitch better for a purpose. I have an idea but it needs more thinking! 

This small is an unexpected but very enjoyable project. My friend's sister is getting married and had asked her if she could stitch some name tags for the guests gift bags. There will only be twelve people at the wedding including the two brides. My friend asked for some help to plan the stitching, she does stitch but was unsure about plotting the names. 

I made this as an example, it isn't attached to the backing, my friend loved the idea. I have all the materials in my stash so it seems natural to offer to stitch them up. They don't take long, I've done four already and it's fun to stitch with the variegated thread. 

My final small is a late entry as I only finished stitching last night, hence it is not ironed. This is for the JCS SAL on Facebook. I used DMC Satin Floss for the main lettering, it gives a touch of shine.

I'm late posting this and will therefore be late with my WIPocalypse post ... life does that sometimes but it all gets done eventually.


  1. Nice job on the stitching Claire and I like the look that the satin DMC floss gives.

  2. Claire, lovely stitching this month - love the name tags and your NOEL turned out perfectly.

  3. Lovely Smalls. I particularly like the name tags. They will look great and be a lovely memento of the wedding. If I was a guest I would re-purose mine as a Christmas decoration.

  4. So many lovely smalls! The name tag is lovely, and I love your Noel

  5. Nice work on your 12 Days designs. I actually prefer photographing my projects by artificial light, natural light seems to "blue" everything.
    The tags for the wedding are, let's hope everyone has short names and no Christopher's LOL
    Noel is so pretty and I like the little pearl beads you used too.


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