Friday, 2 April 2021

Easter Treasure Hunt Blog Hop 2021

 It's Easter Treasure Hunt time 🐣🐰🐣🐰🐣

Thanks Jo for organising another Blog Hop. I love visiting everyone's blog looking for the letters to make up the message - it's a lovely way to say hello to blogging friends and meet a few new ones along the way.

If you'd like to go blog hopping you'll need to visit Jo's blog Serendipitous Stitching where you'll find the links to all the bloggers taking part, of course you can just visit the first blog and follow their links as we all post who to visit next.

But before we start hopping here's my spring picture: I have realised I don't have many Easter themed pieces, something I must remedy but looking back to 2005 I found a photo of this lovely spring sampler I stitched for an exchange. 

My letter is perfect, it's my daughter's initial. We will not be able to see her this Easter, it's lovely that she is part of my blog. My letter is ....

Keep it safe and get ready to hop over to Mary's blog for you next letter ... good luck! 

🐣🐰🐣🐰🐣 Happy Easter 🐣🐰🐣🐰🐣


Mary said...

Your Spring Sampler is so pretty!!! Have a Happy Easter!

jocondine said...

Bonjour et Joyeuses fêtes de Pâques ! Nice stitching, love those tiny patterns, the snowdrops are so cute. Merci pour la lettre. Amicalement. xxx

gracie said...

Very pretty and definitely says Spring!

A Patchwork of Crafts said...

More lambs, what a pretty sampler.

Sheryl said...

Pretty sampler Clare. Happy Easter.

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

Thankful for taking part in the Easter Treasure Hunt this year!
I love that little sampler, just a sweet verse and nice motifs too.

diamondc said...

Clare: This is a sweet design.
Happy Blessed Easter


BeingBored89 said...

The sampler is very cute! Thank you for the letter and I'm glad you were able to have your daughter be a part of your Easter festivities, even if you can't physically spend it with her! Happy Easter!

Kaisievic said...

Happy Easter, Clare, what a sweet sampler and thanks for the letter. Happy Easter.

Mary's Thread said...

Happy Easter! That is a sweet spring stitch!

Mary - Lecoeurceltique said...

Like you Clare, I don't have much Easter stitching other than the Easter items I have received in exchanges. I love your Spring sampler. Happy Easter.

Christine said...

Great stitching. Thanks for the letter

Bethan said...

Such a beautiful sampler. Thanks for the letter and Happy Easter!

FlashinScissors said...

Very pretty sampler Clare! Happy Easter!
Barbara xx

Leonore Winterer said...

Thanks for the letter! I like your sampler, the little sheep are very cute.

Astrids dragon said...

A lovely little sampler, perfect for Easter!