Sunday, 4 April 2021

Happy Easter with an Exchange

 🐣🐰🐣🐰🐣🐰🐣 Happy Easter  🐣🐰🐣🐰🐣🐰🐣

Our decorations are up including the lovely cards we received today. 

I made a Simnel cake for my mum and stepdad, it has a layer of marzipan inside which you bake and then marzipan on top. The balls represent Jesus' disciples.

I have decorated our cork wreath that our daughter made us a few Christmases ago. I love being able to change it for the season/occasion.

Today is opening day for Needlecraft Haven's Easter Exchange. This year we made Easter cards and included thread to match, chocolate treats were optional. I made this card for Gill, I made it so it could later be used as an ornament. 

I received a beautiful card from Julie and some gorgeous threads, I felt very spoilt. Julie also included some yummy mini eggs, thank you Julie.

Time for Easter dinner soon, we're having a roast beef and I have made a creme egg cheesecake for dessert. It will just be the three of us but it's always nice to have a special dinner.

I hope you have all had a lovely Easter, hopefully soon we will be able to celebrate with family and friends


Christine said...

Great exchange gifts and your bakes look yummy

Purple Pixie Dust said...

Happy Easter to you and your family and I love all the food and stitching that was done. big hugs

diamondc said...

Clare: My mouth is watering looking at your cakes, they look yummy.
What a wonderful idea to make a card and later use the stitched design as an ornament.
Beautiful Easter display.
Happy Blessed Easter


Sandy said...

Your bake goods look great. love your exchange gifts as well.

butterfly said...

What a lovely Easter Post ,
Love your yummy cakes .
Lovely gift from Julie .
And your card was beautiful .

Manuela said...

Wonderful Easter decoration and your cakes looks so yummy.

Frédérique - Quilting Patchwork Appliqué said...

Cute embroideries!

Mini said...

What a beautiful display for Easter!
Love the card you sent and received.

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

I love your Easter trees, especially the twisty branch. The exchange was great too, it's so nice to have a pretty Spring display.
The dessert looks great, I can't eat cheesecake so I'd just pick the Creme Eggs off the top LOL

Mary - Lecoeurceltique said...

Your recycled tree looks great, Clare as does your and Julie's stitching. Thanks for the organising the exchange it was fun to take part.