Tuesday 15 March 2022

Gifted Gorgeousness for March


Gifted Gorgeousness is hosted each month by the lovely Jo at Serendipitous Stitching. GG, on the 15th of each month, is when we share our latest gifts. These can be gifts given or received, or any item made using fabric, threads, buttons, ribbon, chart, backing fabric that has been gifted. If you visit Jo's blog you'll find the links to everyone's Gifted Gorgeousness posts.

My first photo is of the bookmark I made for Elfie, I did put it in my Fully Finished Objects post but as it was a gift I've shown it again. I love the design by Faby Reilly, I'll probably stitch it again someday.

My second photo was also in my FFO post, these two Coffee Koozies I made for our daughter for her birthday. I'm not sure if she has used them yet. I'm hoping to make Hubby one, a simpler design though without any cross stitch. 

I was the lucky winner of Carol's giveaway. It was a surprise when she messaged me as although I'd read her post I totally missed it was me who won. It's a lovely sampler that I hope to do soon, I especially liked the Scottish thistle as we had a super holiday in Scotland last year with our friends. In fact I'm in Edinburgh now as I type this, a little holiday with Hubby as part of his 60th (last December) birthday gift.

I've received some more super letters for the Alphabet Tree. My friends Gill and Julie from Needlecraft Haven sent these: Gill stitched her initials and NH for the forum (they are also my Hubby's initials) and Julie stitched a Christmassy J and P which are her and her Hubby's letters. Gill also made this beautiful letters card.

I also received this summary S from June along with a little chart. I love the little bee but I'm wondering which way round it goes. I like it either way, but I'm sure June will let me know.

It's been another super GG month both given and received, thank you Jo for hosting this great blogging idea.


  1. Clare: Lovely book mark, its always fun to see what stitchers are working on.
    Love the coffee koozies, it is a grand idea.
    Congratulations on the win from Carol, I look forward to seeing you start and finish this lovely deign.
    Beautiful alphabet designs.
    Have a lovely day.


  2. You should have heard the ooohs and aaaahhhs as I was reading through your blog. What a lovely bookmark! And the Tea Cozies are wonderful! Such lovely gifts. You have been receiving some lovely letters, your tree will look fabulous! Congratulations on winning the sampler chart...so sweet! Enjoy your trip to Edinburg...and Happy Belated Birthday to your husband!

  3. Wonderful alphabets Clare .
    great stitching by all.

  4. Lovely bookmark and clever coffee koozies. You already have received a nice choice of letters. Amitiés. xxx

  5. Thanks for taking part in GG this month. Lovely selection of letters again. I think the sunflower goes at the bottom of the S, the leaves look more realistic that way.

  6. Love all the beautiful letters you have been receiving. The bookmark is lovely! Congrats on winning Carol's pattern.


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