Saturday 26 March 2022

March Smalls


Mary at Mary's Thread is the lovely host of the Smalls SAL. On the last Friday of the month we share our small stitching items that we have completed but not necessarily fully finished. I'm a day behind as I have felt a little off colour the last few days.

Mary has a link up post on her blog so we can pop over to see everyone's work, it's super to see all the lovely stitching. Thank you Mary for hosting this great SAL. 

My first small is Little House Needlework's Baked Goods. This is the Travelling Chart for 2022 with the lovely members of Needlecraft Haven. The chart began with Mary and I passed it on to Julie who has passed it on to Christine. It's such fun to see everyone's stitching and so lovely to share a design. 

I have stitched mine using slightly different colours, I used DMC E745 sparkling yellow instead of white. I'll be using it to cover a box, no surprise there

I have been busy stitching letters too. I've done my initials, Clare Frances, using the DMC Alphabet as well as my parents initials, Janet and Ronald. 

I have also stitched another J and R this time using the Assisi Alphabet. These represent my father-in-law who was also called Ronald and my mother-in-law's partner John. My letters are tinged with sadness stitching the initials as my Hubby's dad passed away 32 years ago, my dad 10 years ago and mother-in-law's partner 3 years ago.

My next initials to stitch are for my stepdad, my mother-in-law and then our grandparents. Doing these letters has made me realise how the important men in my life share the same name - it's quite quaint really, if a bit spooky, as these men did not know each other until joined through a relationship.

Both my grandfathers were named Ernest
My father and father-in-law were named Ronald
Our son and our daughter's partner are both named Michael

My final small is my summer ornament for the Topsy Turvy SAL. It is finished and I did include it in my TTSAL post but for my Smalls post I'll show the stitched photo as I'll be included the finished piece in my April FFO blog. As this Lizzie Kate design had free colour choice I used my threads left over from kits ... it hardly dented the bag, I should really see if I can match the colours (of course I don't have the codes anymore hee hee) and use them in other projects, maybe the alphabets. 

I feel my stitching has been a little slower of late, probably due to the lovely weather we have been enjoying and our week in Edinburgh. We had a super time, I have written four posts about our visit (which probably accounts for less stitching time too). Pop over to Aimetu's - wine, food and travel if you'd like to see the photos and read about our adventures. 


  1. Clare: It is finally warming up here, cold today just for one day then back to warmer weather, 50s is like a heat wave here in cold Minnesota.
    Love Baked Goods design, it's fun to share a design and see what color threads people choose.
    Summer is another sweet design; all your alphabets are so pretty.


  2. Love the C&F initials. The summer stitch is so cute. The baked goods is sweet too!! Nice assortment of pretty smalls. Warm one day and cold the next here, we just had a hail storm. Crazy weather for sure.

  3. Lovely stitching Clare ,I have been spending much of my time outside this week .
    Have a lovely Sunday .

  4. Love the Baked Goods piece, Clare. I finished mine as a Christmas ornament. Beautiful initials and that is quite interesting about all the common names. Both my father and FIL shared the same name as well. Glad your weather is nice--ours is horrid! (-7C this morning and more snow!). Enjoy your Sunday--Happy Mother's Day!

  5. Love those initials, your tree is going to look beautiful this year with so many memories too.
    What a coincidence with the names, I thought we were predictable with each woman for three generations marrying a Libra man!! My future daughter in law will follow this tradition too!

  6. Great smalls Clare. Love the Baked Goods piece. That is interesting about the names! Who would have ever thought something like that would happen.

  7. Lovely stitching Clare.
    I’ve had a couple of finishes too this week but too late for the link up!☹️If I can add photos to my blog maybe I’ll link to GG at Jo’s.
    Barbara xx 😁😘

  8. Thank you for joining the SAL with your sweet stitches! My family also has many double names. My husband is Bob, his dad is Bob, and we both have an uncle Bob. His Uncle Bob had a son named Robert but went by Scott to avoid confusion, and our son Robert goes by Robby. We also both had an Uncle Brian and an Uncle John. THEN! He had a Grandpa Ed and an Uncle, also Edward (who went by Skip to avoid confusion), and I had a Great Uncle Ed. Among the women's names we have doubles as well, each of us having an Aunt Margaret (one is Margy and the other is Peggy) and there is a Kathy on both side, my mom and his aunt, but my mom is Kathryn and his aunt is Kathleen. His widowed fathered remarried a Kathleen who goes by Kathy, for good measure. Goodness! With all the names in the world, our family was content to use less than 20 of them if seems!!


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