Friday 30 September 2022

Smalls, Temperature SAL and monthly round up in September


Mary at 
Mary's Thread is the lovely host of the Smalls SAL. On the last Friday of the month we share our small stitching items that we have completed but not necessarily fully finished. 

I have focused my smalls this month on stitching my final letters for the Alphabet Tree. I have now stitched 32 letters in total, some more than once as my first stitching was family initials. These are the letters I had not stitched so far and ensures I have stitched at least one of each letter of the Alphabet.

My other small was for Topsy Turvy SAL. September was the first birthday of the TTSAL, unbelievably a year of out of season stitching. The theme this month was Happy New Year and I stitched this colourful ornament. 

I haven't stitched any more of my Temperature SAL, in fact the last stitching I did on it was for August. I think too I need to make a note of the last few weeks high and low temperatures, to be honest September seems to have passed by very quickly. 

It's been a strange month but lots of lovely celebrations at the start with all of us being together for my birthday although tainted by the passing of Queen Elizabeth. Stitching wise I completed the nine letters, my Happy New Year ornament and two special gifts that I can share next month; one was a large project and one smaller but involved a new finishing technique. 

I hope your September has been a stitchy happy month. 


  1. Lovely stitching as always . I am back now ,

  2. Very nice letters for the tree.

  3. What a fabulous selection of letters for the tree. And a beautiful New Year design too.
    September was pretty good stitching-wise but I’m more excited about my Dark October stitching now!


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