Saturday 10 December 2022

Fully Finished in December


Rachel, Ten Hour Stitcher, hosts Fully Finished Objects, a super chance for us to show and tell about the crafty items we have completely finished.

My first finish is a Holly Humbug designed by Faby Reilly. Last year I made a mistletoe one for our daughter and her partner. 

I've made two this year, one for our daughter and now fiance, and one for our son and his girlfriend.

This cute design is by Durene Jones, I stitched it for my partner in this year's Needlecraft Haven Christmas Ornament Exchange. The Opening Day was 1st December, although we delayed it s few days because of the current postal delays. 

This is another Durene Jones design, so cute. I'm hoping Postie delivers it safely, as yet it hasn't arrived at its destination.

The lovely Mary from Mary's Threads sent four beautiful letters for my Alphabet Tree. You can read about and see the tree now in church in my previous blog post 

Thank you to everyone to sent such beautiful letters

Although the tree is up I have two letters to add as these lovelies arrived this week from Barbara at The Flashing Scissors. I have quickly made them up and will add them to the tree when we visit the church later today.


  1. The humbug is lovely! Such a clever finishing technique.
    Lovely ornaments for the exchange too. I’m concerned about the post as well. Your card did arrive safely!

  2. What beautiful stitching , all look so beautiful.
    Have lovely Sunday .

  3. So many cute finished ornaments! I love the snowmen!
    I'm so happy to see the U & E as some of your letters, those are the ones I had wanted to stitch and send you in honour of my Momma and her first and middle name.

  4. Clare: Merry Christmas: Your ornaments are lovely; I just love that bird.


  5. All your ornaments look lovely Clare.
    I like the way you’ve finished our letters.
    I’m just wondering how you’ve done them. Perhaps you wrote about that already? If so, sorry I missed it. 🥴
    Barbara xx


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