Friday 2 December 2022

The Alphabet Tree

On Wednesday we put up the Alphabet Tree at church as part of this year's Christmas Tree Festival. I cannot thank you enough for the beautiful ornaments you sent, they all look amazing. I received 34 altogether- thank you. 

I stitched 32 so the tree was decorated with 66 letters, a few baubles, tinsel and lights. It did look good even if I say so myself. 

Again this year I was given the tree next to the lecturn which means for every service everyone is looking at it, quite an honour. I took some photos, hopefully covering all sides so you will see your ornament. 

At the top of the tree I hung the 'S' I stitched for my mother-in-law who passed away earlier this year, and the 'A' my friend Gill stitched. This was for Angi, a member of Needlecraft Haven who at the time was unwell and has since also passed away. A tribute to two special ladies.

We will be visiting the church to see all the trees, I'll blog about them afterwards. If you are near it is worth a visit. 

The church is open every weekend up to Christmas- Saturdays 11am to 5pm and Sundays 12noon to 5pm. Admission is £2.00 to raise church funds, a donation will also be given to Mary Ann Evan's Hospice.

A huge thank you again - wishing you all a Merry Christmas.


  1. The tree is beautiful, congrats to all the clever stitchers who participated. I'm sorry I couldn't send you a letter as I promised but I had no idea it would be so complicated to embroider with the cataract and the surgery. I hope I will be back on cross stitch soon. Again a big Bravo, I'll come on the blog to see the post on all the trees. Joyeuses fêtes de Noël ! xxx

  2. Merry Christmas Clare: The tree is lovely, having the two initials at the top is an honor for your mother and friend.


  3. Your tree looks beautiful Clare, and all the letters look amazing.
    So sorry my letters will be late, but hopefully you can squeeze them in when they arrive.
    Barbara xx

  4. Awww Clare, it is just wonderful! So happy to see all the ornaments together, they look so well! I hope the church and charity raise a good amount of funds through these efforts and I know everyone will just enjoy them so much! I was so glad to be a part of it!

  5. What a marvellous idea and the finished result is wonderful. I’m pleased you have a prominent place for this display of love.

  6. Awwww your tree looks beautiful!! It's always fun to see what your tree looks like! I love your 12 days too, I haven't stitched either of those sets, but I have them in my stash. I'm still deciding which one I'll stitch next year! Always fun to visit your blog! Happy Stitching!

  7. The ornaments look wonderful as does your tree! I m excited to see all the trees.

  8. They all look fantastic! I love seeing them as the alphabet and then seeing them on the tree is so lovely.

  9. The tree is very beautiful. Well done!


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