Friday 26 April 2024

April smalls

Rachel at Ten Hour Stitcher is the host of Smalls SAL 2024, I love this SAL at the end of each month to see what little things everyone has stitched. 

My Santa is my first small, another one for my church tree. The mesh is quite big in size do really needs 3 or 4 strands of cotton so I've decided to use up some of the perle 5 in my stash. The light pink is perle 8 so I doubled it up.

I'm including my embroidery project in this month's smalls as each section is a different stitch so 52 smalls in total. I need to backstitch between each section and then carefully iron it before hopefully finishing it. I haven't ironed it as I'm worried about moving some stitches as they are loose in style. I have no idea how I will finish it or what I may use it for.


Mary said...

Hi Clare, Your santa is adorable. I love your finish with all of the specialty stitches.

butterfly said...

Lovely Santa , and stitching .
Have a great weekend hugs June.