Sunday 28 April 2024

WIPocalypse April

I have scheduled this check in for Melissa's WIPocalypse  as we are on our cruise currently on a day at sea and later today we have booked Musicals Afternoon Tea.

I have brough my tablecloth as all I need is perle 8 and 12, needle, scissors and my tablecloth, easy to pack! I'll update my progress once we're home.

Before we left I did manage to stitch all the individual sections on my embroidery wheel. I need to backstitch between each sections and then iron it before deciding on its finish. I haven't ironed it yet as there are some loose stitches by their design. It's very creased because I stitch free hand and have turned the fabric round and round as I work ... looks messy doesn't it!

This month's question is about new designers, I'm not sure about this as I tend to stick to my favourites: Durene Jones, Lizzie Kate and Faby Reilly who is my most recent designer find although I've been stitching her designs for a few years. 

Once home I'll catch up on everyone's posts and see which new designers everyone has chosen.


  1. Clare: I hope you are having an amazing time, love this table cloth.


  2. So sweet , looks a fun stitch.hugs June.

  3. I really love this piece! It looks so interesting to me!

    Hope you enjoy the rest of your vacation and you are having great weather.

  4. Travelling on a cruise ship is great. Is enviable.😌
    I felt that the embroidery design was round and innovative. Lots of cute embroidery.I wanted to think about the design of the circle.
    I don't have a favorite designer because I don't have much experience with embroidery. If I continue embroidering like this, will be able to meet my favorite designer?


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