Sunday 2 January 2011

Change for 2011

I have taken a huge step as 2010 ended and 2011 began - I have started my own fourm. It's called Needlecraft Haven and you're very welcome to pop by :) The initals are the same as my DH's and is you split the words into three it's both of us (Nick, Clare, Hearnden) - what a softy I am LOL

I have been so surprised andoverwhelmed at the speed inwhich my fellow stitchers have joined - the forum is already buzzing with chat, stitching and I've just set the games up too :) There have also been some old friends popping by and joining - a real boost to 2011 :)

I have not been stitching because of all the pc work but I've had a bit of a problem too. I'm in an RR with Dusty, Lynn, Jaclyn and Chris and first posting starts Friday. I was still puzzling over what to do but this morning I woken with the answer:) I like to use the RRs to make useful things - the last two have been tabecloths and the other RR I'm in is to make a cushion. I have decided to make coasters for the caravan :) I have some very stiff aida which will travel well - I'll mark it out asone large RR and cut up when it gets home - I feel so much better now and ready to stitch the first one and do the marking out, phew!

I have joined Daffycat's TUSAL but I'm not sure how many orts there will be by the first photo - it's only 2 days away LOL

Wishing you all the best in 2011 - happy stitching :)


  1. Love how you come up with the name for the forum.

  2. Great fun Clare. Glad you got sorted for your RR. xx

  3. Happy New Year Clare! I've requested to join your new forum. Love how you came up with the name!

  4. Hi Clare will be over in 2 shakes of a lambs tail!!

  5. Thanks for the shout-out, Clare! It doesn't matter how many ORTs are in your only needs a photo to count!

  6. Looking forward to seeing what you've chosen for this RR

    I'm sure the new forum will be a great success

  7. Happy New Year Clare. Good luck with the new forum, it seems pretty lively already

  8. Happy New Year and I applied to be a part of your forum :)

  9. Happy New Year to you Clare. I've applied for membership of your forum and am looking forward to chatting with everyone.

  10. Isn't it nice when you start something and so many people jump on board!

    At least the beauty of just starting an RR is that you can always mark everything out and stitch your own piece when it comes back.

    I look forward to watchign your RR progress!


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