Saturday 11 December 2021

Fully Finished in December


Rachel, Ten Hour Stitcher, has hosted Fully Finished Objects for us throughout 2021. It's a great way for us to show and tell about the crafty items we have completely finished each month.

Huge thanks Rachel, your FFO prompt each month has really helped me finish my projects instead of them still in my project folders.

I have many finishes this month but I can only share one as all the others are for gifts. This time of year it's so hard keeping secrets under wraps, it will be January before many items can be seen.

My FFO is my heart for Topsy Turvy SAL in October. I loved trying something new, it too me a while to decide and find something for the centre but I'm so pleased with how it turned out. It is for me and will add to my Valentines ornaments that I having on my tree each February

I hope you have all had a super FFO year. I wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas.


  1. Clare: Very pretty, simple but makes a large impression on a beautiful finish.


  2. It's an effective finish Clare. I love it.

  3. YOur heart is so pretty and I hope it adorns your Christmas tree also!

  4. The heart is lovely and will look great on your tree. I agree with Mary, put it on the Christmas Tree too!

  5. That is very pretty and a great way to show off both charm and simply sweet stitching!


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