Monday 29 August 2022

Ansley Flower Festival

Summer Bank Holiday is traditionally the Flower Festival at my family church. I have in the past taken part with a floral display but it isn't really something I'm very good at so I haven't recently. 

However this year I did take part. Every Christmas I take part in the church's tree Festival decorating my tree with cross stitch ornaments on various themes. My theme for 2020 was a Bouquet of Flowers, a choice I made in January before the world turned upside down. 

During the very worrying and difficult months of 2020 I stitched flowers for my tree ... and so did many of my friends from around the world. There was only a virtual festival in 2020 but the flowers were displayed at the 2021 Christmas Tree Festival. 

My December 2020 blog post is all about how the Bouquet came about with the link to the virtual festival, and my December 2021 blog post is all about the festival back in church.

What has Christmas to do with the Summer Flower Festival? 

Well this year the Bouquet of Flowers is on display as part of the church's beautiful flower display. The theme for the 58th Flower Festival is 'Journey' and the gorgeous collection of stitched flowers certainly tells of my journey through recent years.

So many people are involved in the Flower Festival. It isn't just about putting flowers in the church but involves cleaning, making structures, sourcing the flowers and display items, preparing and printing the booklet, being at church to greet visitors, making teas and coffees, and of course clearing everything away afterwards.  The beautiful displays this year are again a tribute to all those who work so hard at St Laurence's Church.

The remainder of my post is photos of the beautiful flowers, each display reflects a journey. They are all so poignant especially the two in the porch; the bicycle is on the left side leading you into church 'one more step'...

... footprints is on the right of the church as you leave showing God is always with us. 

I hope you have enjoyed seeing the beautiful displays, maybe you are near and can visit in person but if far away I hope they have given you a smile ... God bless. 


  1. How lovely to be able to share again your lovely tree of flowers collection I enjoyed seeing all the photos , what a special event

  2. What a lovely idea. I am glad the flower ornaments got another outing too!

  3. That looks amazing! So nice they were able to be displayed again.

  4. thank-you for sharing. I miss the services at our local church (a very small church), but since my parents have aged beyond being able to actually attend in person, and they've stopped doing virtual I only get to read the sermon now. Your flower tree is very beautiful and something to enjoy for years to come.

  5. It was lovely to see the festival of flowers and especially all the wonderful stitched flowers you received from your blogging friends. So pleased they were able to have another outing! One day I must stitch my flower again for myself! 🤣😂

    Barbara xx (Flashinscissors)

  6. What a very lovely tree and beautiful displays throughout the church, such a lot of work went into this lovely idea.

  7. The displays are very beautiful!


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