Tuesday 28 February 2023

February Round Up

Well I haven't any Smalls and I haven't stitched the Topsy Turvy SAL ornament, neither have I stitched any of the designs for the Winter Seasonal Challenge at Needlecraft Haven.

But I have finally completed my Temperature SAL. I was stitching two cake bands for this SAL, a summer band covering April - September and a January - March & October - December for the winter, recording the highest and lowest temperature each day. 

You'll find my finished summer band in my FFO post for November., and here is my winter band, whoo hoo I'm so pleased with it. 

I have been stitching but as I have said in previous posts this will be a year of gifts and I cannot share until given. Hopefully I will have a few bits to share. 

Wishing you all happy stitching and busy needles during the month of March. 


  1. Love the row of flowers . hugs June.

  2. It looks great Clare! Congrats on the finish.

  3. Your cake band looks fabulous. It was such a good idea to use the flowers for this finish.

  4. Clare: The temperature flowers are adorable on the cake band.



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