Friday 1 April 2022

Topsy Turvy SAL - Something for Yourself


It's treat month this time, any small design for yourself. It can be absolutely anything but something for you. 

Maybe you have always wanted a coaster or a bookmark but never had time to stitch one.

Maybe you have seen a design you'd love to stitch but haven't. 

I am always stitching for others: usually the church ornaments and birthday, anniversary or Christmas gifts. I have stitched things for me but always with a reason like covering my boxes.

I have quite a few designs I have seen that I would like to stitch, I need to make sure I don't pick a large one as I'd like to finish it and not have it left in a drawer .... time to go stash hunting! 

So I have no photos or suggestions as this month is personal to you 😘 

An Album will be open on 20th in the Facebook Group and at Needlecraft  Haven. Please share your stitching on your blog on or after the 20th too.

Happy stitching!

1 comment:

diamondc said...

Hi Clare: I have started stitching for myself in the past few years, it feels right to do so.
I love stitching for others but want for myself also.
I look forward to seeing what you are stitching for yourself.
