Saturday 20 January 2024

Biscornu SAL

This year I'm doibg a Buscornu SAL with the lovely ladies at Needlecraft Haven.

We all have a flower biscornu chart from Faby Reilly's collection and every 20th we share photos of our progress. 

My flower is Blue Iris which makes me think of my grandmother. Her name was Iris and she loved blue. 

I've madeva start but this isn't my focus stitching so my biscornu will grow quite slowly.

I'm enjoying the chart and love the blue. I am short of a green so will have to pick one up next time I'm in town.


  1. A lovely start to your biscornu, and such pretty iris colours.
    I see you mark the top by cutting off a small corner of the fabric? Great for when you've stitched more and can't tell which way round the biscornu goes!

  2. Lovely start to the SAL. Such beautiful blue colours too. I also like your corner snip. Sometimes I made a single X at the top for the same reason.


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