Monday 15 January 2024

Gifted Gorgeousness January 2024

Gifted Gorgeousness is hosted each month by the lovely Jo at Serendipitous Stitching. GG, on the 15th of each month, is when we share our latest gifts. These can be gifts given or received, or any item made using fabric, threads, buttons, ribbon, chart, backing fabric that has been gifted. If you visit Jo's blog you'll find the links to everyone's Gifted Gorgeousness posts.

Thank you Jo for hosting GG in 2024, I really appreciate it as I know so many other stitchers and crafters.

Winding back the clock to December 2023 here's a few Gifted Gorgeousness pieces I haven't included in a GG post before but you may have seen them on my other posts. The Snowflake and Partridge ornaments were two stash kits as they have been in my stash for quite a while, they were both gifts many many years ago, probably Christmas or in exchange parcels. 

The name plaque was for our friend's second grandson and the cute hedgehog ornament was for our son and his girlfriend as it was their first Christmas in their home together. 

I treasure the friendship we share at Needlecraft Haven, the members are very dear to me and are the few friends who I share gifts with at Christmas. Thank you ladies for the lovely items you sent, the socks have already been worn, the ribbon has been put away for next year, the ornaments hung on the tree and are now in the attic waiting for next year. I'm going to enjoy stitching on wood which is new to me, sticky notes are a must in any needlebox and I love the charts and threads. I felt very spoilt and appreciate your kindness, thank you. 

This year my gift to my NH friends was a gift for us all, I planned a Biscornu SAL and purchased everyone a different chart from the lovely designer Faby Reilly. 

Every Wednesday is our stitch night in 'the Parlour' and most of us will be stitching our Biscornus then. The Sal has no time limits or restrictions as it was a gift to enjoy not endure. I included some fabric and a couple of skeins for each project with the gift along with a Santa ornament stitched on plastic canvas. 

I couldn't wait for the New Year so I could use my gift from Mary for the Autumn Exchange. I have filled in every day's stitching and used it to keep track of my blog posts. It's a delight to use especially with my new Team Hearnden pen, our family gift this year from Hubby.

Talking of Santa's that's my theme for this year's tree at St Laurence's Christmas Tree Festival. I'll be doing a Santa Tree.

I've stitched the two on plastic canvas, as I did the small Santas for my friends which you can see in detail below. I'm going to stitch a variety of Santas on plastic canvas or using perforated paper. 

There will be plenty of room for more Santas if you would like to stitch one, it would be amazing to have Santas from around the world. 

You can stitch on plastic canvas or perforated paper if you have any but if you'd prefer to stitch on fabric please use a design that is just Santa and is no more than 3" x 3" in size. 

If you send me your finished Santa on whatever you've used in a card it should be normal letter post. If sending from overseas please value your letter if asked for customs to £10 or equivalent. If a high value is put I may have to pay a custom charge, thanks.

I will add backing and hanging ribbon and make up any fabric ones. 

Let me know if you need anymore info, it would be so nice if you have time to stitch and send a Santa, it does make the tree special with ornaments from everyone, thank you.

This year I will be donating the Santas to charity, probably nearer the following Christmas and it will be to either a children's hospice, our local hospice or an old peoples' home. It seems a waste for the ornaments to sit in my attic in a tin so over the year I will be looking at where best they could be given.


  1. Another great post , lovely Christmas ornaments.
    l do like the sweet Santa, hugs June.

  2. I like your idea of donating the finished ornaments.
    So pleased the journal is proving useful.

  3. Great goals for 2024, I'll follow your progress and tips on stitching on wood (I have received some small pieces too). So many lovely gifts given and received, perfect Ist GG post of the year. xxx

  4. A full GG post as usual, with some lovely gifts both given and received.
    I too love the idea of gifting your Santas after they have been on your tree. I'm sure you'll find somewhere suitable.

  5. Thanks for taking part in GG this month with so many lovely gifts. The Christmas updates are always fun to see the different ornaments.
    Would the Needle Bling Designs Santa from this year's JCS be suitable for the tree? That way I could tick two boxes as it is the December choice in the FB group! Otherwise, there was a nice Durene Jones from last year's choices.


Thank you for visiting Aimetu's Stitching - I love reading your comments, thank you for sharing your thoughts, they are very much appreciated, thank you x