Monday 8 January 2024

WIPocalypse Introduction

I've decided to join Measi's WIPocalypse and to try to post each month .... and stitch of course too.

I received a beautiful Book of Days for 2024 which means I can record my stitching. I only record what I have worked on not the time or stitches but so far I have stitched every day this year which is rare for me.

This is me and my 2024 plans: 

I'm Clare, known on social media as Aimetu which is a name I made up from two french words (aime means like or friend and tu means you) so it could be translated as your friend.

Stitching wise most of my stitching is for friends and family as gifts, they are probably fed up by now as I have been stitching for nearly 40 years. 

I rarely do big projects although last year I stitched a sampler for our daughter and son-in-law's wedding. I also only stitch something I know is going to have a purpose, a gift, an exchange or for my church tree at Christmas. 

So I don't have many WIPs but I do have quite a few things that need finishing. I'll be using WIPocalypse to try to finish stitching my two main WIPs, a tablecloth and an embroidery sampler. 

The tablecloth was a Round Robin many years ago. I need to do the hardanger edging and in 2022 I did manage to complete one row of stitches all the way round. It joins up thankfully, I do need to check it's true but the next stage is to stitch the kloster blocks.

My other WIP is an online stitching course with Sarah at Hello Hooray. It's a circle of speciality stitches learning a new stitch each segment. I'm using my spare threads from old finished kits and I plan to make it into a circular table mat, that finish will be quite a challenge. I last worked on this in May 2022.

I'm hoping to make up some finishes that have been sitting in a bag in a draw. I have recently had a frame made for a Jardin Prive piece I finished a few years ago. Hopefully I will get this done soon. 

Thank you Mel for hosting this, I'm hoping that seeing everyone's progress and logging my work I will be productive in 2024.


  1. Lovely table cloth Clare, I also did a round robin years ago of Gingerbread .
    I use to enjoy the round robins , but the cost of postage put most people off.
    So sad ,it was great fun. Have a fun week hugs June.

  2. I like how you are going to work on older, and somewhat different, WIPs for WIPocalypse. The circles of speciality stitches are going to look amazing as you stitch each section. I am especially looking forward to your posts on that!

  3. The tablecoloth is going to look amazing with a hardanger border.


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