Monday 28 January 2019

January's stitching

I know there are a few more days left in January but this week will be a little difficult for me to post. Unfortunately today I have had to start a short but high dose of steroids as I'm suffering an MS relapse. They always knock me about so it will be around ten days before I will feel like writing much. I'm hoping to still be able to do some stitching but it will be on easy designs as the meds always make me a little confused.

My MIL will also be here from Thursday for around a week as she will be recovering from a small hospital treatment, and of course our son is still recovering from his broken wrist/arm. He has some movement in it but not a great deal, he has another hospital appointment tomorrow .....

..... with all that said here's my  January stitching.

I mentioned in my previous post about doing Hetti's temperature chart using the highest temperature of each day depending on where I was. I loved doing this so much I decided to also do a lowest temperature chart. We had a few days away on the English coast so I recorded the temperature whilst there. I have also added a small silver cross as one day at home we had a covering of snow.

A few of the ladies at Needlecraft Haven have also decided to stitch this quilt so we've set up the Temperature Quilt SAL. We all live in different locations and although we have only just started it's amazing to see the different colours on each piece. We check in each Friday with our progress.
My daytime chart
My nighttime chart
Thank you to everyone who has offered to stitch a small hardanger ornament for my 2019 tree at our church festival. I have made one already, it was quite quick: I'll be stitching these in the Needlecraft Haven Parlour each Wednesday. In the January sales I found some bits for the tree as well as a white snow scene cover for the bucket the tree stands in.

My first ornament for my 2019 tree
My La Pense Positive is growing well, thanks again to the ladies at Needlecraft Haven. A few other members decided to stitch this design too so I've set up the LPP SAL, it's always an encouragement to stitch with others, we post up our progress each weekend. I decided to stitch the French version as it will be for our bedroom where we already have a map of France hanging there.

Part one a d two completed 
We had a lovely few days away, our son certainly needed a change of scene and it was near enough for our daughter and her boyfriend to join us for a day. You can read about our adventures in my Aimetu - wine, food and travel blog. Our apartment was amazing with a great patio/balcony overlooking the marina.

The Second Severn crossing taken on our holiday
Wales is on the left, England on the right
On Saturday our Scout Group did their annual relay walk. This year the group walked in relay over a circuit from our HQ and back to cover a total of 105km. The Scouts and Explorers did the first circuits Friday night to Saturday morning. My DH did 7.30 am on Saturday with our good friend who is the Group Scout Leader. Saturday night, after the relay had been completed, we all enjoyed burgers and hotdogs at the HQ with a few presentations including the most funds raised.  This was won by one of our Explorer Scouts who through sponsorship raised over £200.

DH and our GSL won the 'Amblers' award although they did need to go slow or they would have been back before the next group was ready to leave. It's a great event for all the Group, next year we are hoping to set up a Just Giving page to help raise more funds.
DH with his award and photo of
him on the walk.
Hopefully I will be posting early February, in the meantime I'll be enjoying all your news and January matchups.

Monday 14 January 2019

Gifted Gorgeouness January

Gifted Gorgeouness is hosted by the lovely Jo at Serendipitous Stitching. Each month on or around the 15th we share our blog posts about gifts we have received or gifts we have sent. It's lovely to see everyone's work and also the kindness and joy spread through our love of stitching.

Although it's a new year I'm starting with a quick look back to a few gifts I could not share in GG December. Firstly the beautiful Halloween chart I won in Ariadne's giveaway, not only did she send the chart but some lovely stitching items too - thank you so much Ariadne.

My giveaway parcel from Ariadne
In December I stitched the final three bookmarks of the year for my friends, it was a little tight time wise and Christine's was actually stitched whilst on our river cruise holiday. I really enjoyed stitching all 12 bookmarks, each one a different design.

For Christine
For Louise
For Angi
For Christmas this year I made felt stockings for my friends. The idea came from a beautiful stocking sent to me a few years ago by my American friend Cathy. They were made in stages over the year, on holidays and at home. I quite enjoyed making them and felt a sense of achievement getting all 17 done in time for the Christmas posting.

One of the felt stockings I made for my friends
So moving on to 2019 - I really enjoy hosting Needlecraft Haven stitching forum, the members are such lovely ladies and we have great fun sharing our crafting, our SALs and Exchanges.

Haven Awards are automatically given as member reaches post totals and we have just had our first Diamond Havener. Julie has posted over 10,000 times since the forum began in 2010 - I could not let this fantastic achievement and dedication to Needlecraft Haven go unrecognised so I stitched Julie a little ornament to celebrate, well done Julie.

Julie's celebration ornament. 
My final 'gift' is from Hetti at XX Stitches in Blue XX. Last year Hetti gifted the stitching world a free chart linked to a temperature SAL. I'm late coming to this, I discovered it as Jo has just posted about her beautiful finished piece which you can see here. I love the idea of stitching depending on the temperature and so I am doing this in 2019.

I've decided to record the temperature each day of where I actually am not my home town so it will have big colour variants when we're on holiday and it's cold at home. Each day I will record the highest temperature and following Hetti's chart will stitch that day's design in the corresponding colour. You can download Hetti's chart from her blog post here.

I've sorted my fabric and once complete it will be a home gift as I'll be making it into a small table mat. I'm stitching it on DMC Charles Craft Monaco Lugana 28ct in white which was gifted to me by Brenda many years ago. My colour code (Celcius) will be:
Below zero to 4 degrees - DMC 827
5 to 9 degrees - DMC 931
10 to 14 degrees - DMC 502
15 to 19 degrees - DMC 972
20 to 24 degrees - DMC 740
25 to 29 degrees - DMC 350
Above 30 dgrees - DMC 326

My temperature chart kitted up 

I'm going to start this as a SAL on Needlecraft Haven, many of our members have blogs so you might see a few more temperature projects, happy stitching everyone x x

Tuesday 8 January 2019

Tree Festival - Christmas 2019

All the decorations are down for another year and winter is setting in with the weather here in the UK turning chilly. It's at this time of year I plan my theme for this year's tree - it sounds early but it is nice to make an ornament a month rather than a rush in the autumn.

I know many friends have previously made an ornament for my tree at church. I am so grateful for your help and kindness and each year the church ladies do ask if any of the ornaments have been sent from afar. 

So the news is .... I have decided on my theme .... The White Tree. 

Image result for white christmas

I would like to have an all white tree this time; white lights; white tinsel; white baubles; and white ornaments .... which made me immediately think of hardanger!

Hardanger is beautiful, stitched on white fabric with white thread .... yes I know there are holes but there does not have to be. It looks superb with or without cutting. The ornaments can be edged with blanket stitch or made into an ornament using white backing fabric. 

I will be aiming to make 12 - 15 ornaments and would be delighted if  you would like to send one too. They can be cut or uncut (I'm happy to do the cutting for you). 

I have found a few free online charts that may be useful, to be made in just white and finished as an ornament. I have added the link in each caption. 

Victoria Sampler - Crystal Waters
Victoria Sampler - Heirloom Wedding Sampler 
Victoria Sampler - Butterfly Fob 
There are so many designs on Pinterest, it's always fun to go browsing. I'm sure I will be spending many hours looking as well as stitching.

I'm really excited to getting started with this year's ornaments, if you'd like to stitch one too please post 'Me too' in the comments box. Let me know if you have any questions. 

I'm off to find my fabric and threads - happy hardangering !

Wednesday 2 January 2019

A good start to 2019

This year I am focussing on stitching for myself and our home. I have looked at Jardin Privè's La Pense Positive for a few years but have not had time to stitch it. This is my first project and will be for our bedroom.

I'll be stitching a bit more on it tonight in The Parlour with the other members of Needlecraft Haven.
My project so far
Last year I decided to change the finishes on my Drawn Thread series of months. I had a frame made and have strengthened each month's design with interfacing. Each month now I can change them over.

January in the frame
Each year I collect the orts as I do my projects and use them to fill my first ornament of the following year which is always a Christmas theme so it can hang on our tree before the decorations are put away. Of course it is then hung with the others when the tree is put up again in December.

This year I have stitched Lizzie Kate's Snow Bird, perfect size for my orts of 2018.

My 2018 collection of orts
My ornament on our tree
I hope your year has had a good crafty start, wishing you many finishes in 2019