Thursday 19 June 2008

Surprise Gift

Postie brought me a surprise parcel today from my friend and fellow stitcher Moll who lives in Norway. I haven't been very well and am waiting for some hospital treatment so Moll sent me this absolutely gorgeous needlecase as a cheer up gift.

It's beautifully stitched and so neatly finished. I love it.

I am going to have a stitching box at my caravan so I don't need to keep taking needles, scissors and basic items up there everytime we go. I already have an inlaid box my mum gave me for my 40th birthday and now I have a beautiful needlecase to go in it. Thanks Moll you're an angel.

Monday 16 June 2008

Not stitching, but beading

I haven't much to share just lately, as you can tell from my lack of postings. I am busy making bracelets for the school's performance of Joseph. They need 32 altogether and I have made 18 so far. This is the photo of my first twelve.

They each take about an hour and a half to make. I bought tubes of beads so it's also taking me a while to sort them into sizes. It's not how I would normally buy beads as the sizes can vary but it is much cheaper than buying individually. I'm really pleased with them and hopefully they will sparkle really well under the lights.

We must be into theatre mode this month as last week I went to see South Pacific, hubby and I are going to see Aida on Saturday and next Tuesday we're going to see Romeo and Juliet by "The Shakespeare Globe" performers in the ruins of Coventry Cathedral - I am so looking forward to that one.

Monday 2 June 2008

June already !

It's hard to believe it is June already, half way through the year and still lots of things to look forward to. Thismonth we have Father's Day (another trip to our caravan for the weekend), DH and I are going to see Aida for our Anniversary treat and it's nearly big holiday time.

I was quite busy during our week at the caravan, I made 4 of the 32 bracelets needed for the school performance of Joseph and his Technicoloured Dreamcoat. I also made this biscornu for mum's birthday - I'm not keen on blackwork but I really enjoyed making this. Not bad for my first attempt.

Whilst in Wales we visited the RSPB reserve - there were so many birds around; green finches, chaffinches, great tits, coal tits, blue tits, sparrows, nut hatchers, woodpeckers, egrets, swans and herons - and that was just from the visitors centre, we didn't go over to the hides. There were also some very cheeky, friendly squirrels hoping for a few crumbs.