Friday 30 October 2020

October Smalls SAL


The Smalls SAL 2020 is all about small stitching, any little project you have stitched, it doesn't have to be fully finished. Here's the full details about Small SAL 2020 - I have really enjoyed this SAL, thank you Mary.

My first finish is Block 10 from Stitching the Night Away SAL with Needlecraft Haven members. I've loved doing these blocks, it's been interesting to stitch with variegated thread. I have used up some Anchor thread from my stash, I don't like this brand and I now remember why. I find the Anchor thread constantly knots up; I do separate each strand and ensure it is straight before using but the knots keep appearing. 

It is with great excitement I can share my other small, it's my first flower for the church tree. I made this up to practice the finish and was really pleased with it so I have been doing all the others. I have to say they take ages, I didn't realise how long mounting each flower then sewing on the zigzag would take. I am gluing the backing on as I am using foam felt.

I have some exciting news about the Bouquet of Flowers but I can't share until early November, thank you all for sending such beautiful flowers. 

Health wise it hasn't been a great few weeks. As I said last time my chemotherapy has finished because my blood count was out and the Oncologist decided I had had enough. As my tumour was removed in April the radiotherapy and this recent chemotherapy was all prevention so I was very happy to say enough is enough. 

However I have really struggled with breathlessness and tiredness. It's been quite worrying with Covid on everyone's mind but my breathlessness is whenever I do anything, even walking to the kitchen, I'm fine when sitting. I know it's because of my bloods but it's taking a long time to recover. I did manage a trip to Hobbycraft yesterday to get more zig zag and foam felt but I didn't browse the store and was exhausted when we got back to the car. I have bloods next week and see the doctor the following week, I'm hoping to have more energy by then. 

Thank you again for all the beautiful flowers - you've made me smile many times, which has been a huge help over this difficult year. 

Thursday 15 October 2020

October Gifted Gorgeousness


Gifted Gorgeousness is hosted by Jo at Serendipitous Stitching - on the 15th of every month we post about any item we have either gifted or had gifted or have used that was once gifted. Our posts are linked to Jo's blog so we can see each other's Gifted Gorgeousnesses.

My first GG is a gift I made for our son's friend who is a teacher and has just had Textiles added to her timetable. I have a sewing box that I made from an old watch box, in fact this is my second box as I use it everyday and it does wear. You can see how I made it in my Upcycling post. 

Anyway I decided to upcycle another box for her and raided my stash to put together a sewing box. I covered an old pot to make a pin cushion lid, the pot being for orts, and covered a tape measure with a cross stitched J. I changed the ribbon and used some craft paper to recover part of the inside, I was so pleased with how it turned out. 

Thank you to everyone who has sent flowers. I am busy making them up, I need them all finished by early November. Over the last few weeks I have received theses beautiful flowers from April, Leonore, Mini and Barbara, huge thank you, you are all so kind. 

Today I've had the best gift ...... my Oncologist has said I don't need any more chemotherapy 🤗 My red bloods are very low at the minute and I am breathless just walking to the kitchen. The treatment has been ended as I have had nine sessions and as the tumour was removed in April this chemotherapy was prevention. I now have to build my strength back up, still be extra careful with catching infections but life finally feels like it is returning to normality. 

Thank you to everyone who has sent messages and cards, it's still a road but it certainly isn't as long and there is now an end in sight 🙂