Wednesday 29 July 2009

Strawberry Pinkeeps

Last week I went on an overlocking course - it was great fun but as yet I haven't had chance to do any at home. However I bought a couple of fabric kits, one of which was "Strawberry Pinkeeps". I've managed to get four out of the fabric in the kit. I adapted the stalk by looping some cord as they had used just a piece of the felt. I think they are quite cute and a handy size for small projects. I'm on the look out now for more fabric to make some more.

Yesterday postie delivered a wonderful suprise - two absolutely gorgeous ornaments for Miss-Tree. Julie has stitched (over 1) two Little Misses and they are soooooooooooooooooo cute - thanks Julie they are perfect for the tree.

I'm hoping to get started on my Mail Art tonight - I have all the charts ready, just need to sort out the fabric and threads - I'm quite excited about this exchange but I can't show any progress sorry. I will be able to reveal it by the end of the summer (if we get one that is LOL) so not long to wait.

And I lost 4 pounds at SW this week :) only 2.5 pounds to go for my 2 stone award. I am really enjoying this healthy eating regime, nothing is un-eatable, I can even have my wine :)

Don't get tooooooo wet - I hope we all get some sun soon.

Saturday 25 July 2009

Stitching news and more

I have lots to catch up on but first the important stuff - my stitching.

I have completed the JA Christmas 2009 SAL pieces - I'm doing both Christmas Tidings and Christmas Wishes (both designed by Loupylou). These are my pieces so far.

I have been very lapse with the JA UFO Night stitching but it has not been possible for quite a few weeks, however I did get loads stitched last weekend. Here is my progress so far on St George (Millennia Designs), I have no idea why it's on its side LOL.

My other stitching has been a MAJOR repair job thanks to Ruby. She ripped our sofa the first day I went to work, bit of confusion by DS as to which doors to leave open and which must always be closed. We all know now LOL. I had to stitch the repair by hand because she has chewed away some of the inner foam and if I had taken the cover off to mend I think it would have completly fallen apart. I'm quite pleased with the finish, it doesn't look too bad.

I have also had to mend Philippa's beloved Floppy (her teddy since she was born) as Ruby also got hold of her. She has been fully mended and now lives inside the wardrobe safe and sound.

On Wednesday I went on an overlocking course. Mum bought Philippa and me an overlocker for Christmas and enrolled me on beginners course. These are all my samples I did on the day including a neckline, a gather and a rolled edge.

Talking of Ruby, she is settling in but she can be a handful. We have to keep all rooms closed apart from where we are. She is learning not to do naughty stuff and we're learning not to leave stuff about. It was a little difficult initially, especially at the caravan last weekend but by Sunday she was very settled and enjoying herself. I guess being taken to yet another home in such a short time was a big thing for her. She is very good when out but can bark at people, especially if they put their hand out to her. She is barky at new people, we guess that's a scare thing from her previous owners. Overall she has improved a huge amount in just three weeks, hopefully this means I will get a bit more stitching/blogging time. She does enjoy lying on the top patio step in the sun, when it's out of course.
End of school year was good but emotional. We had so many people retiring or moving on that there were meals out all week. I put two pounds on at SW which isn't too bad considering how much I was off track. The head of English has retired; I will really miss him. I had only worked with him for 18 months but he was so kind, supportive and helpful, I hope we will remain friends (if his retirment plans give him any spare time LOL).

I managed to get this beautiful photo of a butterfly in our garden the other day. Quite a feat as I had to balance on the pond and use full zoom without shaking (something I do inside constantly with the MS). It's beautiful, I just love the colours.

Finally I have given the first donations to my two charities - MS Society and St Cadfan's Church. I have donated £35 to each and this money has been raised through my charity blog Aimetu's Stitchery. I received a lovely letter of thanks today from the church, you can read it on my charity blog and is you haven't seen my designs they are also there on the previous post.

I'm sorry I have not been reading anyone's blogs lately, hopfully I will be able to catch up this week.

Saturday 11 July 2009

News report .......

.... well it feels like it - so much has happened this week.

Firstly I lost another 2.5 pounds at Slimming World making a total of 23.5 pounds :) I am so so pleased. I am not sure I will lose anything this week, in fact I will probably gain it all back as we are out tonight for a Chinese meal and I'm out again Monday for another Chinese meal.

I have a very full week of eating next week and quite a few people are retiring from school and I have three separate meals out. It will be quite a week as there are lots of changes going on with us opening as a National Challenge School. It is all being finalised this week which is a bit strange because if they don't give a final yes heaven knows what will happen to the school. As soon as we have a decision everyone will be a bit calmer.

School was hectic for the kids this week. We had our performance of Grease Wednesday and Thursday night. There were some very quick costume changes but I had laid it all out so all went smoothly. My 30 skirts looked fab under the lights and none fell apart LOL. The kids were amazing, so professional and their voices brought tears to my eyes. There was such a positive buzz around school, everyone was on a high.

A slight hiccup happened Wednesday - I twisted my ankle rushing around backstage sorting my costumes out. I stepped back onto a pop bottle left on the floor ;(. I didn't have time to stop so carried on and didn't notice it really hurt until I got home. Thursday morning it was quite painful. We had sports day (not me LOL) and I had to stand around a lot which did not help. By the evening performance I was limping and by the end it was giving me lots of trouble. Anyway I had yesterday off and rested it and today it twinges but isn't too bad. Hopefully if I strap it for a couple more days it will be fine.

Ruby is settling in ok, quite a few issues but I think we have come up with strategies for them. We have a muzzle which we have to use a few times for various things. We have all had to start learning to shut our bedroom doors and the lounge door if we are upstairs. She has torn one of the sofa cushions but hopefully I can repair it with some spare fabric I have. She has only been here a week and has really learnt our way quite quickly. We don't know what life was like before for her but we know what it will be like - fab fab fab.

Alas I have not picked up a needle all week :( but I have finished the instructions for the JA Mail Art and emailed those out. I was hoping to stitch today but no time has been taken up with ironing and Ruby. We're off to MIL's tomorrow leaving Ruby at home so I might get 1/2 an hours worth in. And I certainly haven't had time to read, my booklist is huge. I have 4 books from school that I need to read over the summer ready for next year.

We are off to the caravan next Friday as it's the end of term. We have not been for 6 weeks and we are all getting withdrawal symptoms. Hopefully Ruby will love it too and I can't wait to show her the beach and sea.

Well I guess that's all from me - I hope you are all stitching away :)

Sunday 5 July 2009

Home at last !! edited with photos

This is just a quick blog to say "Ruby" is finally home.

We picked her up Saturday and apart from a few mischievous things (like jumping on the sofa) she has settled in really well.

I am rushed off my feet, what with looking after Ruby,DS and DD, going out to a party :) and spending all day at school rehearsing Grease I seem to have a few hours missing somewhere LOL

I will post more as soon as I can...

... and now I can :)

Here are a couple of photos of Ruby in the garden, and a photo of my gorgeous day lilies.

I finished the beaded work to give to my colleague who is retiring in two weeks. It was his party we went to last night. It was a Spanish themed night as they have a house in Spain and he is planning to spend a lot of time there.

Finally a photo of Michael and his friends on his Presentation Day.