Wednesday 31 August 2022

August Temperature SAL and monthly round up

The end of another month and the end of meteorological summer, we certainly had some hot weather as you can see on my cake band. I am a little behind as I have been concentrating on the final few letters for the Alphabet Tree.

I have stitched to the end of week 32, you can see the bright yellows when we had temperatures in the high 30 degrees Celsius. I'm not keen on such heat, my body feels much better at mid 20s.

This month I have done more reading than stitching, mainly because I have been a bit under the weather. Lots of things all causing set backs but I'm feeling better this week so fingers crossed things are looking good. 

One super thing this month was the opportunity to display the Bouquet of Flowers again at church as part of the Flower Festival - you can read about it and see the beautiful displays in my previous blog Ansley Flower Festival 

Next month I have some special stitching to do, I just hope I don't run out of time. 

Monday 29 August 2022

Ansley Flower Festival

Summer Bank Holiday is traditionally the Flower Festival at my family church. I have in the past taken part with a floral display but it isn't really something I'm very good at so I haven't recently. 

However this year I did take part. Every Christmas I take part in the church's tree Festival decorating my tree with cross stitch ornaments on various themes. My theme for 2020 was a Bouquet of Flowers, a choice I made in January before the world turned upside down. 

During the very worrying and difficult months of 2020 I stitched flowers for my tree ... and so did many of my friends from around the world. There was only a virtual festival in 2020 but the flowers were displayed at the 2021 Christmas Tree Festival. 

My December 2020 blog post is all about how the Bouquet came about with the link to the virtual festival, and my December 2021 blog post is all about the festival back in church.

What has Christmas to do with the Summer Flower Festival? 

Well this year the Bouquet of Flowers is on display as part of the church's beautiful flower display. The theme for the 58th Flower Festival is 'Journey' and the gorgeous collection of stitched flowers certainly tells of my journey through recent years.

So many people are involved in the Flower Festival. It isn't just about putting flowers in the church but involves cleaning, making structures, sourcing the flowers and display items, preparing and printing the booklet, being at church to greet visitors, making teas and coffees, and of course clearing everything away afterwards.  The beautiful displays this year are again a tribute to all those who work so hard at St Laurence's Church.

The remainder of my post is photos of the beautiful flowers, each display reflects a journey. They are all so poignant especially the two in the porch; the bicycle is on the left side leading you into church 'one more step'...

... footprints is on the right of the church as you leave showing God is always with us. 

I hope you have enjoyed seeing the beautiful displays, maybe you are near and can visit in person but if far away I hope they have given you a smile ... God bless. 

Saturday 20 August 2022

TTSAL Christmas


Today is opening day for the Topsy Turvy SAL album on Facebook - Christmas August 22.

As well as joining the TT SAL on Facebook, you can post about your stitching on your own blog or join in with the members of Needlecraft Haven but please wait until the 20th of the month so all our projects are shared at the same time.

I have four finishes for this month's gallery. The first two were stitched for the Summer Challenge with members of Needlecraft Haven. I tried a different way of doing the corners, it's ok and would probably work better on larger projects. 

My other two finishes are for Jo's JCS Stitchalong on Facebook, May and July's choices.

Christmas in my Heart by MTV Designs has the year in the design but I choose to omit it. I finished it as a small table mat, it's the first time I have done drawn thread heming. 

Christmas Bouquet by Patricia Ann Designs was lovely to stitch and finish. I'm looking forward to hanging it at Christmas although I may not put it on the tree as it is quiet a large ornament. 

Did you join in with TTSAL Christmas stitching? I cannot believe Topsy Turvy SAL will be a year old next month ... celebration time. 

Monday 15 August 2022

Gifted Gorgeousness in August


Gifted Gorgeousness is hosted each month by the lovely Jo at Serendipitous Stitching. GG, on the 15th of each month, is when we share our latest gifts. These can be gifts given or received, or any item made using fabric, threads, buttons, ribbon, chart, backing fabric that has been gifted. If you visit Jo's blog you'll find the links to everyone's Gifted Gorgeousness posts.

My first gift is a double gift because I purchased the chart and fabric with a gift voucher gifted to me. Our super son has been studying for a degree, he decided to have a bit of a career change and has worked so hard over the last three years. Not only were all his studies affected by Covid with his learning being online and difficulties in completing the practical assignments due to lockdowns but he was helping here at home as I bad my cancer treatment.

We are delighted that he achieved a first degree - a BA Hons in Media. I stitched this with such pride, he has already overcome so much. 

My other gifts you may have seen in my Fully Finished Objects post a few days ago. They are beautiful letters from Rachel and Mary for my Alphabet Tree - thank you both so much.

I have a few gifts planned for the next few months including a birthday gift that I hope will use something that has been in stash for quite a long time. 

Wednesday 10 August 2022

Fully Finished in August


Rachel, Ten Hour Stitcher, hosts Fully Finished Objects, a super chance for us to show and tell about the crafty items we have completely finished. Thanks Rachel, your FFO prompt each month really helps me finish my projects instead of them still in my project folders.

My first finish is very special but not really stitching. Our daughter is getting married next year, all plans working, and probably in Wales so I wanted a bit of her home to be part of the day. She had mentioned having dried rose petals as confetti so I have been saving roses and drying the petals. Our local friends have also been involved in the secret and we all wrote a message on some wooden hearts. 

Not long after Hubby and I met we won a hamper and although the basket has been used for many things it has been in the attic for many years. I bought a collection of jars to keep the petals in but the basket needed something ... so I made a lining using some silly from my stash and ribbon I also had. It's not something I have made before and I was a bit fuzzy headed due to having Covid but it turned out ok. So my first finish is my basket lining.

They were surprised and delighted when we gave them the basket this weekend when they were here for a few days. The roses will be loose in the basket at the wedding and I'm sure by then we'll have a few more petals dried. 

My first stitchy finish is my Halloween ornament for July's Topsy Turvy SAL. It's one of Durene Jones' designs and if I can I'd like to stitch the others in the series. 

I've had two more beautiful letters from Rachel, this time her initials. The pastel colours are lovely and will look super on the Alphabet Tree, thank you Rachel.

My friend Mary also sent two letters, a Q and a J. Two very different designs, the quilt on the Q is perfect and lovely cherries on the J, thank you Mary.

I have another item that is finished but as yet I have not given it so it must remain secret. Life has been up and down this last few weeks with us and our son having Covid. We are all ok but plans went a rye and not everything is back settled. 

It's very warm here in central UK again so we're trying to stay cool, this of course means staying indoors with needle in hand. 

Monday 1 August 2022

Topsy Turvy SAL - Christmas

Welcome to August, time to do some Christmas stitching 🎄

I know some blogger members have been stitching for Christmas in July, your projects can be added to the August album for this month's stitching.

There are so so many Christmas designs, I have no idea which I'll do but I am enjoying stitching Durene Jones' designs so maybe one of hers.

There's plenty of free designs on the DMC site

And at Gathered

I stitched this humbug for DD and DF last year, I love it's entwined design.

The August - Christmas album will be open on the 20th, you can show your photos in your blog, at Needlecraft  Haven or with the Facebook Group too, happy stitching.

July Temperature SAL and monthly round up

Yesterday was July 31st, I really don't know where this year has gone, time seems to pass by quicker and quicker but we're less busy ... very strange.

July saw the UK have our hottest temperature on record ... over 40°C ... so my Temperature SAL has some very bright yellows. The earlier ones were from our holiday in Germany when it reached the high 30s. It's interesting to see a very colder nights when the skies were clear. 

The photo is a bit blurred as I took it in electric light and it's hard to get it all in. I think you can see the colours.

My stitching this month has mainly been catching up on this SAL and stitching a very special gift which I hope to share soon. I did also stitch a Halloween piece for the Topsy Turvy SAL and used my sewing machine to make something for another special gift. 

I didn't stitch much in the heat and this week Hubby and I have been unwell as we caught Covid so all things considered I stitched quite a bit. We're both ok, it was like a heavy cold but quite tiring. Hopefully we'll test negative today or tomorrow.