Saturday 25 July 2020

July - Smalls SAL

I have been stitching, I have so missed being able to stitch properly although it was doable left handed. I haven't been blogging or reading much either so apologises to everyone, I'm hoping to catch up soon.

Anyway this month I do have some smalls to share as part of Mary's Smalls SAL. The SAL all about small stitching, any little project you have stitched, it doesn't have to be fully finished.

Here's the full details about Small SAL 2020 - thank you Mary.

My first two smalls  were stitched left handed and took quite a while, mainly because my right hand/arm ached so much after holding the fabric more than 15 minutes.

These are two flowers for my church tree, they are designs I have already stitched. They are a set a six designs in an old magazine (I'll try to find out which for next time) and I swapped the colours to make new flowers. 

Yellow pansy
Pink lily
My arm is improving but is very restricted. From the elbow down it's fine, just pain in my ring and small finger and stiffness in my wrist. From my elbow up it is still painfull and my arm doesn't lift on it's own. I expressed concern at my last hospital appointment and thankfully they did an MRI scan. I haven't  seen the orthopedic doctor yet but my Oncologist looked at the results, there's no soft tissue damage but there could be nerve damage. She said it would not affect my chemotherapy which started again last Monday. It is weekly this time to hopefully reduce the side effects - it's not been too bad so far, a couple of not great days but overall a little better. Fingers crossed this is the last treatment I need and my arm will improve with physiotherapy.

Back to stitching ... I am now using my right hand to stitch, it's good exercise and I can hold the fabric perfectly in my left hand. My first two pieces were for the Stitch8ng the Night Away SAL with the ladies at Needlecraft Haven. I was behind so I have stitched black 6 and 7 (not sure why they look slanted in the photo, they aren't really). We were all debating which way round Block 7 looks best ... what do you think?

Block 6
Block 7 as per the chart
Turned 90 degrees
The other weekend was a lovely anniversary for Hubby and I ... 34 years living in our home. We moved in new in 1986, our first home, so many memories, getting married, having two fabulous children, family occasions, time with friends and time for ourselves. Here's just a few photos from our time here.

Our new house
Our first garden - it was just mud when we moved in
Hubby did all the brickwork
We got married from home, although Hubby
went to his mum and Dad's the night before
Michael and Philippa - our super children
Our garden for the kids to play
Hubby relaxing in our trendy black, grey and pink lounge
Christmas with my late dad
Needlecraft Haven's meet up in 2017 when I'd broken my leg
Our garden now, we have many visitors
to the feeders
Hubby's brickwork including his pond
Family celebration earlier in 2020

We've certainly had some fun over the years and in the last 6 months have enjoyed the results of our hard work. It will be nice to go out again when time allows but for now we'll stay at 'home'.

Wednesday 15 July 2020

July's Gifted Gorgeousness

It's the 15th of each month which means it's Gifted Gorgeousness time, the time each month when we share our latest gifts. These can be gifts given or received, or any item made using fabric, threads, buttons, ribbon, chart, backing fabric that has been gifted.

This great idea is hosted each month by the lovely Jo at Serendipitous Stitching,  if you visit her blog you'll find the links to everyone's Gifted Gorgeousness posts. 

Thank you so much for all the offers to stitch a flower for my church tree. When I put up my 'Could you help me make a bouquet' post I did not expect such a response. Although initially because of my diagnosis of breast cancer, with all of our lives becoming very different due to this awful virus  and my unfortunate broken arm, I think the bouquet of flowers will be very special for us all.

I was delighted to receive these two beautiful flowers from Ann. I'm a fairly new follower to Ann's blog, Colourful Cross Stitches, and I'm loving watching her projects grow especially her Harry Potter SYOA. Her accompanying card gave me such a chuckle ... thanks Ann. 

Poppy on white
This is on purple fabric
Such a great card
I haven't made any gifts this month although I had intended to. I am still stitching left handed very slowly. 

Today was the last of my radiotherapy treatments, another part of this journey completed. Next week I see the specialist about my arm and my Oncologist about my chemotherapy restarting at the end of this month. 

Our son's friend made we these lovely masks for my treatment visits, they have been great, it's nice not to wear the blue hospital ones all the time - thanks Jade. 

Saturday 4 July 2020

Let the People Choose - July

It's hard to believe we are in the second half of 2020, its been a very strange year and I'm surprised how quickly the weeks have gone by ..... although contra to the proverb they have not been fun!

Favourite designer is the theme for this month's Let People Choose hosted by Jo at Serendipitous Stitching. I couldn't decide if 'favourite' was the one I have stitched the most, or the designer I look at first when needing a chart ..... so I included both :-)

Lizzie Kate is my most stitched designer, this was the the theme for January's Let the People Choose, you can read my blog post about it here. I have included my absolute favourite LK design - Promise Me. I stitched this for our daughter's graduation in 2015.

Last year the theme for Needlecraft Haven's Summer Exchange was cats and dogs, I chose to receive a dog themed item and was delighted when Mary sent me this gorgeous mini pillow....

... delighted because I had used the same design for Mary's gift. I stitched her a pin cushion using an old ring box. I loved the design and was going to stitch it for myself .... it was perfect to receive it from Mary.

The designer I look at first for any gifts, large projects and exchanges is Jardin Prive. The style and colours are just me .... there are so many I still want to stitch.

The largest piece I have stitched is Sampler des Bouquets, it was a unfinished item for a while but I finally completed it in 2018 ... it now hangs in our bedroom opposite our bed. I have another sampler finished ready to be framed when life allows.

I love this scissor and bobbin design from Jardin Prive and used it to make Mum's 80th birthday gift. It's another one I would like to stitch for myself.

Jardin Prive offer some lovely free designs  I stitched the seasonal trees which I change in the frame. The designs are so lovely ... I just need more stitching time.

My final Jardin Prive piece to share is for Needlecraft Haven's Easter Exchange although it still lives here in an envelope ready to post as soon as we can all get to the post office again.

Thanks Jo for another great Let the People Choose - I'm looking forward to discovering everyone else's favourite designer.

Edit: Apologies Jo, I have just seen your post and realised it should have been Most Popular Designer .... oops