Wednesday 30 June 2021

WIPocalypse June


WIPocalypse is all about stitching we want to do before the End of the World. Measi hosts this great idea at Measi's Musings. As well as sharing our stitching Measi asks month there is a question too, you'll find my answer later on in my post.

These my June plans: 

  • 12 Days of Christmas - Five Gold Rings by Plum Street Samplers 
  • 12 Days of Christmas - Six Geese A-laying
  • JCS ornament SAL - Ursula Michael Designs My Friendly Gnome
  • JCS ornament SAL - My Big Toe Designs Merry Christmas 
  • Starting a wedding gift
  • A birthday gift
  • Spring and Summer Challenges with Needlecraft Haven 
  • December Flip It
I managed to finish the two 12 Days pieces, the JCS ornament for May and December Flip It. 

I have caught up on much of my stitching this month although we have been away. I have also stitched a bit on the Needlecraft Haven challenges and the birthday gift. I have kitted up the wedding gift and some of my other small projects.

I need a day for finishing now, in fact I may set up my sewing machine as I have some larger projects to finish that have been waiting a long long time. Hopefully it will stitch nicely for me, if  not I think it may be time to look at changing it. 

This month's questions is about how our stitching is mid year, a half year review. I think I'm ok, I'm managing to keep up with the SALs I signed up for .... just, and I have completed the gifts for birthdays in the first part of the year in time. I'm pleased too to have finally finished Lizzie Kate's Flip Its. 

However, as I said in a previous post I am going to look at my stitching plans as it all seems to revolve around Christmas. All my SALs are Christmas based and it's easy in January to be very keen and there's always so much to sign up for. I am going to look at setting my year's plans  September and hopefully include more variety for 2022.

And so to my July plans - the birthday and wedding gifts have priority 
  • 12 Days of Christmas - Seven Swans-a-swimming
  • JCS ornament SAL - My Big Toe Designs Merry Christmas 
  • JCS ornament SAL - Carolyn Manning Designs - Caroling Friends 
  • A wedding gift
  • A birthday gift
  • Summer Challenges with Needlecraft Haven 

June Smalls


Mary at Mary's Thread hosts the Smalls SAL on the last Friday of the month we share our small stitching items that we have completed but not necessarily fully finished. Mary has a link up post on her blog so we can pop over to see everyone's work. 

I'm quite late with my smalls post for June, we have been away for a few days. I bought Hubby a driving experience for his birthday last December and as restrictions have lifted slightly he finally managed to go last Friday. We then went on to Portishead for a weekend break with friends, something we all enjoyed and certainly needed. 

I have finally finished my Flip Its, I am a little unsure about the incorrect grammar but the designs are lovely so hopefully I will not be too ocd about the missing capital letters. I'm still unsure on finishing them. 

I did manage to stitch May's ornament for Jo's JCS Christmas Ornament SAL on Facebook. Ursula Michael's My Friendly Gnome is so cute, it was a joy to stitch too, quite a quick stitch.

My final two smalls are my Day 6s for the 12 Days of Christmas SAL with Needlecraft Haven and with the Facebook group. The Plum Street Sampler and Jardin Prive designs are quite different. 

I have quite a few pieces to finish now as I have a couple of items I cannot show as they are gifts. Hopefully I will be able to have a finishing day soon to get them all done, although we now have an inflatable hot tub in the garden. It's so nice and an hour easily slips away, so peaceful sitting in the warm water in the garden just taking a moment. 

I better write my WIPocalypse post for June as I'm a bit late for that too ... oops!

Tuesday 15 June 2021

Gifted Gorgeousness in June

 Whoo hoo I have finally finished all my Flip It's. These were gifted to me by Justine and I'll be gifting them on to my friend in Canada. Here's my December finish and the full set.

Originally I was going to make them into a banner for our gazebo to separate us a bit from our neighbours. However last year, during our lockdowns, they had so many parties and visitors I was getting quite anxious as their seating is literally the other side of the fence so Hubby put up some full size rattan screening which is much better. Therefore my banner is not needed ... I'm going to have a good think about what to do.

In fact I'm going to have a good think about my stitching in general and this year I am hoping to  set my year's stitching plans at the end of August, maybe early September. I will have some of this year's SALs to finish but setting plans at the end of a year and start of the next has often meant most of my stitching has been Christmas focused and I'd like a change. I also have some finishing to do so I may set that as part of my plans. 

Sorry Jo I went off topic ... thank you for hosting another GG, I do look forward to posting each month on the 15th and seeing everyone's projects. The list of Gifted Gorgeousness participants is on Jo's blog Serendipitous Stitching.  

I already have a GG piece for July, it's being posted today .... it must be someone's birthday soon then 😉

Thursday 10 June 2021

Fully Finished Objects in June


Rachel, Ten Hour Stitcher, hosts Fully Finished Objects for us to show and tell about the crafty items we have completely finished.

I have completed a couple of items but am still playing catch up. My needle certainly seems to have slowed down, as do my eyes as I'm very behind in blog reading. I seem to be out of routine with quite a few things! 

This is my first finish, it was a spring challenge at Needlecraft Haven. It was Lotus Mandala by The World of Stitches.

I used it to cover the label on a cardboard box I have. It came with some candles but I use it for my seed packets. 

My other fully finish is my 12 Days of Christmas piece. This is my Jardin Prive design, I have not made up my Plum Street Sampler yet. 

Thanks Rachel for hosting, it does spur me on to get things finished I just need to spur on with my stitching now.