Friday, 19 September 2008

Stitching & Wii Fit

My rotation is going really well. I have finished the centre white stitches on the Just Nan piece. I can now start the speciality ones. I'm not really keen on stitching in white as the stitches sometimes look a bit uneven, but they do look better when the surrounding stitches have been done.
I have finished an made up my bookmark for the private exchange I organised. Opening day is 1st October so I must send it off soon. I'm going to start the JA Monthly Challenge piece this weekend and I must start the autumn and winter exchanges pieces. I'm not sure yet as to what to stitch but thhat's part of the fun.

DH managed to get me a piece of glass today for the ornate frame I have. We have a matching mirror in the hall which was my grandmothers. I had never seen one anywhere else but one Mother's Day we went to Ironbridge. There in a charity shop I found this matching frame, it had a silver dish in it but I have used it to frame a round robin I did a while back. It's looks great with grandma's mirror.

Everyday I've managed to do 30 minutes on the Wii Fit and in the first 4 days lost 3lb - but I've put 2lb back on hee hee! I'm not worried as really it's a weekly not daily weight change that matters and fingers crossed that should show a loss if only 1lb. I'm really enjoying doing it and so far it doesn't feel like a chore - time will tell.

Still no news on DS's work experience but we keep sending off the letters. I do hope we can find him a place soon.

DD has had her science module result back - this is a third of her final GCSE in triple science - and she achieved a grade A*. Fingers crossed she can do the same in the next two modules. She is predicted some very good grades in all her subjects.

Sunday, 14 September 2008

Mixed Feelings

What a week - full of ups and downs. On the positive side I had a lovely birthday and of course a pay rise, we've also enjoyed a weekend at the caravan (but more on that later). On the down side my whole school timetable has been tipped upside down and tomorrow I haven't a clue where I should be. I have to start planning my work all over again.

A huge negative for us involves Michael's college course. He came home Friday in a real panic because he hasn't a work experience placement this year and if he can't get one he can't do the course. He thought the vets he went to last year were going to give him a place but just a week before college started they said no. He was very worried about it but we calmed him down, have had a good weekend and tonight have written another (he's already sent off loads) 6 letters to local business who deal with animals - we now looking further afield and will woprry about transport if he gets a place. Tomorrow he is going cycle to a kennels about 4 miles away and ask there. I do hope he finds somewhere soon, it's voluntary work he is after too.

On a happier note my rotation went really well last week. I have done quite a bit on my exchange piece but obviously I can't show just yet. I also started the Just Nan for my mum and step dad's annversary. I'm not keen on stitching just white as it never looks neat. I'm sure it will be ok once I get more stitches and colour on it. The picture isn't very good - sorry.

After the wet weather last weekend we finally made it to Wales this weekend, although we drove through some terrible rain on Friday. We haven't been to the caravan for 6 weeks which is a long time for us but of course everything was just fine. Saturday we popped into town for a few bits, then went to the next village for a pub lunch. One of the chaps that works on the caravan site has just taken over so we went along to help him get his new business going - it's very nice and we had some lovely sandwiches. I'm sure we'll be popping back again. Afterwards we went had played our first game of golf on a course LOL it was so funny but we all got round............ eventually. Of course the balls went in the very long grass, in the water and in the sand bunkers. We lost a couple of ours but found a couple belonging to another mishapped golfer so we came out even - as for the score, we didn't even take a score card as we just knew it would take us a while with no hint of a par never mind a holein one! It is something we will definately be doing again.

This morning the weather was beautiful, Nick and I stood at the fence looking out to sea only to be previliged to spot a dolphin jumping out the water - amazing sight. I then spend the morning cutting up some old net curtains to adapt a pair we want to use in our office at school but are too short. Hopefully the nets will add a fancy bottom making them long enough.

To end it all I've come home and had a half hour on my new Wii Fit - it's really good but my personal trainer wants to see me EVERYDAY - OMG what have I let myself in for LOL. I did do quite well on the hoola hoop game though.

Wednesday, 10 September 2008

Lucky, lucky girl !

It's my birthday today and I've been so spoilt. Nick, Michael and Philippa bought me a Wii and my Wii Fit is on order. Philippa also gave me the Mamma Mia cd, which I've been listening to at work.

My two Norwegien friends surprised me - Moll sent over a beautiful stitched bag to match the needlecase she made me earlier in the year. It's absolutely gorgeous.

and Hege really surprised me by sending Just Nan's Christmas Biscornu chart all kitted up. She sent it from Sew and So which was really funny as last night I placed an order for some threads. It was gone 10pm when I ordered so when the parcel arrived today I thought "surely they can't send it that quick". I was amazed when I opened the parcel - thanks Hege.

My mum gave me a beautiful book on drawn thread, and I've had quite a bit of money which I'm putting towards the Wii. We're just off out for a family meal so I have been really spoilt today.

I have been doing well with my rotation and have started the large project for my mum and step dad's 25th, there isn't enough to show yet but there should be soon if I stitck to the rotation.

I had some absolutely fabulous news at work today. You may or may not know but I gave up teaching at a further education college earlier this year and took on a non-teaching role as a learning mentor specialising in literacy in a local secondary school. My new job is paid term time only so a little bit of a hit on the wage front but a much nicer job and I am so much happier. Today the Headteacher called me and my two colleagues into his office and announced that because of our hard work (they do science and numeracy) he was increasing our contracts to all year which gives me a 17% (yes really) pay rise. I still get all the school holidays but I can now do some work at home and know I'm being paid for it whereas before I wasn't.

Oh and before I forget I sent Moll a lavender scented ornament to wish her good luck in her new college course. Now it has arrives I can share the photo.

Thanks for reading my blog and all the lovely messages.

Sunday, 7 September 2008

Change of plan

We were going to our caravan this weekend and have a meal out for my birthday (10th) but what weather! We have decided to go next weekend instead - I do hope everyone affected by the floods is ok - it's awful how quickly it came.

We have had a quiet weekend at home spending time sorting out some of the old cards and photos that are in the attic. I bought some big plastic storage boxes so everything is now packed away tidy. There is still a huge amount up there to sort out but a little at a time and we should get through it.

I have decided to do a rotation again as I'm finding that with so many jobs to do in the evenings I sometimes don't get round to picking up a needle. I am going to rotate some of the household tasks too, and make the most of evenings when DD is out at her sports. This is the stitching rotation I am planning to do:

Monday - any small projects that I have on the go

Tuesday - any large projects that I am working on - I am hoping to start one soon as it's my mum and step dad's 25th anniversary next year. I also want to so a stocking for my DS if I have time.

Wednesday - this is my night for working on any exchanges I'm doing and for logging onto my blog and favourite forums.

Thursday - another small projects night

Friday - another large projects night but I won't get any done if it's a caravan weekend as we'll be travelling.

Saturday - other jobs/caravan/family visits permitting I am hoping to do some more exchange work, any making up and on some Saturdays card making.

Sunday - this will be my main internet day - starting tonight :) - and time to catch up on any nights work I've missed.

Hopefully by rotating things around I should have time for everything. Last time I did a rotation I got so much more finished - I'm not sure why this happens.

I have stitched two small projects over the last two weeks - both freebie charts - one is from The Victoria Sampler and the other is by Teresa Wentzler. I really pleased how they have both turned out. I had to use the macro on the camera because they are quite small and the thread is the same colour as the fabric.

I am still enjoying working at school, even more so in fact as there is so much for me to get involved with at the start of the new school year. It was good but at times hard to start mid-way through a year so now is my chance to get really organised. I don't miss college at all.

I hope everyone stays dry this week and fingers crossed we might get an Indian Summer.