I've had a fantastic birthday - truely spoilt and would like to thank my fantastic hubby Nick, Michael and his girlfriend Amii, Philippa and her boyfriend Kieran, mine and Nick's families, friends, neighbours and colleagues - your kindness and generosity made me feel very humble - thank you all so much.
Here are just a few things that happened for my birthday.
I have already blogged about my car, party and coffee maker but didn't show piccie of my lovely red machine, so here it is :)
When I got home from work on Friday (my actual birthday) Nick had decorated the house and laid the table for a special dinner :)
and what a special dinner we had - it was lovely to be all together.
After dinner we went to the Praha in Hinckley as Michael had a gig - the bands before him were not quite our sort of music but it was great to see him play and sing. As you can see we did have fun :)
I had some gorgeous gifts - mum and Keith bought me this fabulous table cloth back from their trip to Austria, and I had a huge amount of cards and gifts - thank you everyone :)
and Julie made this fabulous mat - you're so clever Julie - I'd love to learn how this is done if you fancy showing me at the Nuneaton meet up.
The post still keeps arriving - Saturday I had a lovely parcel from my friend Brenda in Canada, some Monaco fabric and DMC Linen Embroidery Floss - oh and a doggy biscuit for Ruby from her dog Toffee (Toffee used to send to BJ and vica versa so now Toffee sends to newbie Ruby)
Yesterday we went to our bridesmaid's wedding - she looked great aged 11 at our wedding and absolutely stunning yesterday - congratulations Sarah and Ian, hugs and wishes for your future together x x
Nick took this photo at the wedding yesterday - Philippa, Dad and me - one to treasure !
Thank you to everyone from a very grateful lady - hugs to everyone x x