Monday 20 September 2021

Topsy Turvy September - Happy New Year


I'm very excited as today it the opening day for the first Topsy Turvy SAL album - Happy New Year Sept 21

You can join the TT SAL on Facebook, post about your stitching on your own blog or join in with the members of Needlecraft Haven.

I took my stitching away on our holiday to Scotland, although I did not get very much done (too much to see, too much whisky to drink). The fabric I used was in my stash so I'm not sure where it came from. I chose it because it was stiff and easy to work on free hand. 

I decided to stitch the free chart from Cottage Needlecrafts and I'm hoping to finish it as a flat ornament.

I'm looking forward to seeing everyone's Topsy Turvy stitching, it won't be long before we start our next theme, where does the time go!


  1. Clare: I have done the same thing when on vacation, oh well it is what it is some stitching is better then no stitching.
    I totally love this design.


  2. Lovely choice of design, my friend Sarah stitched the same one! I'm afraid I used a shoehorn and worked on the project I was stitching on New Year's Day!


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