Friday 1 March 2024

March plans

 This month I hope to: 

  • work on my tablecloth 
  • stitch on my biscornu 
  • stitch two Santa ornaments
  • stitch my Easter Exchange card
  • stitch everyday on my embroidery
My main project is this month's WIPocalypse challenge to stitch on my embroidery every day.

This WIP is an online stitching course with Sarah at Hello Hooray. It's a circle of speciality stitches learning a new stitch each segment. I'm using my spare threads from old finished kits and I plan to make it into a circular table mat, that finish will be quite a challenge. I last worked on this in May 2022.

This is how far I am so far.

We don't have many plans at the start of the month, my Mum is unwell and is back in hospital. We are hoping to visit Cardiff later in the month to watch our son-in-law play rugby, his team is in the cup semifinal.

Hopefully I will have plenty of stitching time though as I have a few things that need doing.

Thank you for calling by, I do enjoy reading everyone's comments and messages


  1. Have a lovely weekend , lovely stitching .Enjoy the the semifinal .
    Sorry to hear your mother is back in hospital.
    Hugs to all, June.

  2. Clare: I hope you meet your goals, sweet design, I hope your son-in-law wins the semi-finals.
    So sorry about your mother, I hope she is well enough to get out of hospital soon.


  3. Good luck to your son-in-law's team and hope they have a good game, win or lose. Fingers crossed your Mum recovers quickly as well. That's a really neat way to learn some specialty stitches! Good luck with all the plans.

  4. I can't wait to see more on the embroidery piece. Good luck with your goals! I will be cheering you on while you are stitching away!

    Have a great week.

  5. Oh no I missed the line about your Mom. I hope it is not to serious and she will go home soon.


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