I recently organised a Mail Art Exchange on Jayne's Attic and the work produced was amazing. This is the beautiful piece I received from Barbara - she had stitched one over one - it's stunning. 

My wrist has improved although I have not been stitching or using the computer much as that makes it ache. Hopefully it will soon stop hurting altogether, it will be nice to stop wearing the splint.
School for me started Friday with our new Headteacher and official a new school. It was a fun day with lots of new stuff happening. Tomorrow is another training day and hopefully we will all get new emails (fingers crossed).
I don't really have much news this week as all I've done is run round after Ruby. We went to the caravan for five days with MIL and her partner which was good. We got back Wednesday so really only Thirsday to do the school shopping stuff - not that DD needed much.
My diet has been non-existant over the last four weeks - I have not weighed in once. Hopefully it will not be too much of a gain when I go Tuesday.
Hopefully I will blog more later this week but I will just share these lovely ribbons I found, not sure what I will use them for but I love the colours.

Stunning mail art both sent and received.
Hope all goes well this school year for you and DD.
The mail art is amazing.
We had a chap from Unicef at our training day last week which was very interesting. Hope yours is as good
Gorgeous mail art pieces sent & received. Really enjoying the reveal on the forum. Hope things are much less stressful this school year for you. :0)
beautiful mail art stitching by both of you. Enjoy the new term!
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