Long time no post - sorry, life has been a bit hectic. School is busy, Ruby is just Ruby and I am feeling a little tired. Anyway....
tonight we have been to church and put up Miss-tree. I forgot my camera but did manage to take a photo on my phone. We are back there Sunday so I will take the camera then. Thank you so much to everyone who sent an ornament - Maria's arrived yesterday and I need to take a close up photo at church. Thanks Maria it's gorgeous.

Last Monday was my dad's 83rd birthday and we took him to the Cross Keys Ghurka restaurant. It was a lovely meal and we had taken a small birthday cake which they brought out accompanied by birthday music. It was so funny when they brought out the knife to cut it - not a knife a splendid Ghurka sword. Again the photo is on my phone but as you can see dad was very happy.

A few weeks ago the Head of English and I took 12 students to the Town Hall to take part in a Public Speaking competition. This is quite a new thing for our school and not something our students would normally consider doing. They were absolutely brilliant and our Team B actually won :) we are soproud of them. The local press came to school this week to take some photos, and the write up is in tonight's paper.

I have a very busy weekend - we're out tomorrow with my school colleagues, Saturday we're at a friends for dinner and Sunday MIL is coming for Christmas dinner as they will be away for the festivities.
I have finished 'Peace' for the Little House Ornies SAL, it's a Country Cottage Needleworks design from Just Cross Stitch Christmas 2007. I've stitched it over one; this is my third over one ornament and I'm really enjoying it. I'm not sure what I'm going to pick to do next, if I get any time before Christmas.

I hope you are all ready for the festive season, happy stitching.
Wow, you sure do know how to pack in an awful lot. LOL
Looking forward to seeing some close up pics of the tree. :0)
Belated Happy Birthday wishes to your Dad. Looks like he enjoyed himself. Congratulations to Team B & the school. :0)
Gorgeous ornie. Have a great weekend Claire. :0)
The Miss-tree looks great, looking forward to seeing more photos of it soon
The tree looks great, looking forward to seeing them all next weekend.
Dad does look a bit menacing brandishing that sword!!
Well done Team, what a great achievement.
Nice ornie, i like the tinyness of stitching over 1, trouble is it becomes addictive
Wow Clare
I feel tired just reading your schedule!!!
Beautiful stitching as ever and Miss Tree looks wonderful.
Don't do too much.
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