I have had a really busy week. Unfortunately two members of our English teaching team have been off sick so I have had to cover their classes. It was very stressful as I have never covered lessons before and all the admin (like taking the register and using the smart boards) was new to me. Although I was a teacher and am quite happy teaching I found all the setting up and admin duties very tiring. It was a huge physical jump for me too :(
I have not done anything this weekend. Yesterday we had a dog behaviourist come round to help with Ruby. She was expensive but good and we have a few new strategies to try, although both DH and I are struggling to lower our voices enough when telling her off. One thing she did say was to change her food from processed dog food (we were using James Wellbeloved) to ordinary food so Ruby now has porridge and apple for breakfast (same as mum LOL), carrots instead of biscuits for snacks and real meat for tea. Tonight she has had raw liver, cooked potato and cabbage - so now I'm cooking for 5 LOL
DS and DSGF went to Bognor Regis last week for a few days to stay with her nan - and DS is now eating meat - hurrah he might put some weight on now as he is sooooooooooooo skinny and not that healthy.
Today has been haircut day so I have done nothing again. I really needed a quiet weekend as my arms and legs were not right after the busy times and stress of last week at work.
I have managed to finish stitching my first ornament fro the Little House Ornies SAL I have done Country Cottage Needleworks 'Let it Snow' from the JCS 2008 Christmas Issue. I stitched it over one as I have fallen in love with this method - because it is so small I changed the snowflakes to DMC Perlescent Effects E3747. (The picture is sideways again - can anyone help?)

I'm going to do Peace (same designer) next - it's from JSC 2007 Christmas issue - and again I'm going to do it over one.
Have a good week, happy stitching.
Sorry to hear you're not feeling great - sending lots of healing vibes & hope you feel much better soon (((((((((hugs))))))))). Hope the new food & tips from the behaviourist help out, so you see more improvements with Ruby. Hope DS improves too. :0)
Love the gorgeous ornie. :0)
Sorry am seriously technically challenged & have no idea what to do about the pics. Hope someone can come up with something for you. :0)
I do hope you all get to feeling better soon, maybe next week won't be so stressful at work and that will help. Ruby may improve is everybody works together, most doggies do.
You probably have some kind of photo software on your computer. The cheapest photo software (even most of the free ones) will ROTATE a picture, I don't think Blogger can though, so you must do it in your own software. On hubby's PC the PREVIEW mode that you open a photo in can ROTATE and SAVE with two clicks. (ask one of the kids if all else fails (LOL), I'm sure they'll know.)
Lovely job on the ornament!
Don't know why your snowman has fallen over, but he's lovely anyway.
I always found the admin the worst part of teaching too
Nice snowman, no idea why its 'tipsy'
Take care and rest lots this week in the evenings, hope Ruby improves for you all.
Sorry you have had such a stressful week Clare. Your snowman is lovely, sorry can;t help with the picture. Hope Ruby improves soon. Hugs.
The picture is saved the correct way round on my pc - so no rotation has been done :) must be a pixie playing around LOL
Lovely ornie. Can't wait to start the LHN Ornie SAL.
OOOhh love the horiziontal snowman Clare. I know what you mean about the over one thing , you wont want to go back to over 2. I love it.
Hope Ruby improves ,we have a limping dog at the mo off to the vets tonight (good job he is insured).
I too have joined the LHN SAL see you there.
Barb x
Lovely 'drunken' snowman. I hope this week is being kinder to you.
Hi...I was strolling through all the TUSAL blogs and saw your issue about the pictures loading sideways. I had this problem and talked about it on my blog here.
If you saw the photos to paint, it will eliminate the problem. Hope that helps!
Ooo...tempted to join the Traveling Stitcher SAL...
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