Monday 11 March 2019

Happy dancing !!

You may know that back in April 2017 I had a very nasty fall resulting in a dislocated left ankle which was also broken in three places, and a broken right foot. As you can imagine it took a long time to recover and my left ankle has never been pain free. 

On Friday I returned to hospital to have all the metalwork from my left foot removed and a tendon cleaned/repaired. The operation went well but I am back to using a chair at home as I am not allowed to put weight through my ankle for two weeks. As nothing is not broken this time it is not so painful, just time to heal wounds and soft tissue - hopefully I will finally be able to walk without pain.

An old friend has returned home
for a couple of weeks
It's like going back in time wheeling around the house but at least this time I know how to do stuff. Our bed is back downstairs in the conservatory, we quite like our garden bedroom. 
A sunny morning from our garden bedroom
I have been able to keep up to date with my temperature quilt. We had a few unseasonably warm days at the end of February but March has started to turn colder. It's so interesting watching the changes, when the days were warm the nights were even colder resulting in a big change over 24 hours. 

Night time to 8th March 
Day time to 8th March
I have also managed to finish three more ornaments for my church tree, I find these quite therapeutic as there is no chart to follow, I just stitch. I have another two to do and then some wip pieces I found that just need finishing and will be perfect additions to my Snow Tree.

Three more hardanger ornaments for my church tree
Finally a big happy dance, I finished my La Penseé Positive the night before my operation and so was able to do a little dance around the room. I'm hoping to order the frame soon and have it ready to hang in our bedroom for when our bed moves back upstairs. I've really enjoyed stitching this as a SAL with the ladies at Needlecraft Haven.

La Penseé Positive
My next stitching will be for the Easter Exchange with Needlecraft Haven and a gift. There are also the spring designs in the NH Seasonal Challenge so I don't think I'll be bored whilst resting up.


  1. I am sorry to hear about your setback with your ankle Clare. I do hope you are able to walk pain free soon. Your ornaments are so lovely. Can't wait to see La Penseé Positive all framed up!

  2. The good news is that you didn't injure your hands so you can still stitch. ^^ I hope you're soon up and about soon - take care.

  3. Oh I'm so sorry for your injury and hope you are healed soon. Most of us take walking for granted. Beautiful work on your pieces. Congrats on your big finish and your ornaments.

  4. Hope your ankle heals just fine, Clare! What a long ordeal that's been for you...

    Lovely stitching, especially the La Penseé Positive :) Hope your spring warms things up quickly!

  5. I hope you are on the healing path now. Take care of yourself and hopefully enjoy some stitching. Oh also congrats on your finish.

  6. A lovely view to outside from your resting place, the garden does look lovely.
    LPP is stunning, I think this is one of my favourite designs.
    Super little snowflakes for the church tree, you'll have them all stitched up ready for the end of the year whilst resting.
    Take care xx

  7. Fabulous finish on Pensee Positive
    Hope you're back on your feet soon

  8. I was hoping that you were literally Happy Dancing but not with that plaster on your foot. Great finish and hopefully you will be dancing around for real soon.
    I am still looking for a hardanger design that really inspires, lots of nice one but not THE one yet!

  9. At least you have a beautiful view in your temporary garden bedroom! I hope you heal quickly.
    More lovely ornaments and I love your SAL finish.


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