Saturday 28 December 2019

Making memories at Christmas

We had two Christmases this year, a family one on the 22nd and another on Christmas Day. Our daughter, who lives in Wales, came home for the weekend before Christmas to celebrate Hubby's birthday and to have Christmas.

Hubby's birthday was a lovely day, we (Hubby, me, our sons, our daughter and her boyfriend) visited our family church to see all the trees - they were amazing.

Hubby, me, our son and daughter
In the afternoon we (not our son) went to watch Wasps v Harlequins rugby with a firework spectacular after the game. It was a little cold, bit wet but superb fun.

Hubby and I 
Hubby, me, our daughter and her boyfriend 
Sunday 22nd we had our Christmas, opening pressies, walking to the club for lunchtime drinks, Turkey dinner with all the trimmings, Cludeo crackers and party games at night. It was a super day.

It felt a little to still have Christmas Day coming,  a second time for festive fun. There was eight of us here for Christmas dinner; my mum and stepdad, Hubby's mum, his sister, her son, our son and of course us (chief cook and bottle washer).

Thank you to my stitchy friends for your beautiful gifts, it's very kind of you all.

Thank you Rob & Kathy
Thank you Niki and Sue
Thank you Deb
Thank you Barb
Thank you Julie
Thank you Julie
Thank you Brenda
Thank you Christine 

Sadly I have some news that I didn't want to share before Christmas; on 6th December I was diagnosed with  breast cancer. December was a very tough month with so many blood tests, scans and injections. I have a severe needle phobia which has made each hospital visit quite traumatic, the week before Christmas I had appointments every day. 

Yesterday I had an operation to remove 3 lymph nodes (I had to go to Coventry first for a radioactive injection, then Nuneaton hospital for the operation). The incision was below my left armpit, it's glued so no stitches to remove and isn't painful, just sore. 

The plan is to now start chemo for 8 treatments (I am struggling with the fact that the lump is still there), I have had a new short hair cut ready for when my hair starts to fall. There will be many tests and scans and needles along the way to make sure the chemo is working, after which they will remove the footprint- lumpectomy. That will all take about 6 months. I need to have a titanium clip inserted first, that's my New Year's Eve treat ! 

As always things come at once and we have Nick's mum living here alternatively with staying at his sisters. Her partner was taken ill in October and passed away (cancer) in November. She is struggling with it all, hard any age but she is 83. She cannot stay in their bungalow as it's in a small village with one shop, no bus and she no longer drives. In the future she will buy a bigger house with Nick's sister but at the moment it's hard as I cannot have her here all the time with my appointments, operations and chemo treatment. 

The memories we made over Christmas time are so special, we had some lovely times which helped me forget about hospitals and needles, if only for a few days. 

My diagnosis is why I could not post up for Jo's Advent Blog Hop, I have visited some of the blogs (I hope to visit them all) and I'm hoping to join in with Jo's Gifted Gorgeousness and Hops in 2020

Wishing you all a Happy New Year 🥂


  1. Clare I am so sorry. I will keep you in my prayers. The treatments these days are so very good, it is amazing. I know you have your wonderful family by your side for love and support. God bless you Clare!

  2. Oh Clare, I am so sad to hear your news. But I'm so glad you had your family and festivities to keep you occupied and especially to make memories. My prayers are with you through your journey.
    You received so many loves gifts from friends, perfect timing!
    Hugs to you, one day at a time.

  3. Oh Clare, I am so sorry, that must have been very hard for you to write and post up on your blog. I know that you will be well cared for by your family and I'm glad that your mind could be occupied over Christmas with making lovely memories. I will be thinking of you and sending all the positive thoughts and vibes I can muster.
    Stay strong. xx

  4. Thank you for sharing your sad news with us all, I know we are all sending you our very best thoughts and wishes.
    Your Christmas photos are lovely, it's nice to have the family around you. Your gifts are great, I love those little spoons, what a wonderful colour.
    I do hope you can take part in all my Hops and SALs this year, if you need an extension, just let me know!

  5. Oh, dear... I'm so sorry to read about your diagnosis, Clare. I hope and pray that all will go well in your treatments and that, by this time next year, you'll be cancer free. I'm glad you had your family to help make your Christmas more festive and relieve some of the worrying. Please take care and know that we are all pulling for you! ♥

  6. I am so sorry to hear about your diagnosis, I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. I'm glad that you had a lovely Christmas with your beautiful family.

  7. I've been catching up on blogs today and wow so much bad news to read. I'm so sorry you are having to deal with all this. Please take care of yourself and keep us updated. I will keep you in my thoughts.

  8. I am very sorry to hear your sad news. I hope your procedure went well yesterday. Take care of yourself x

  9. Sending you lots of best wishes for the New Year


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