Sunday 26 May 2024

WIPocalypse May

Well it's WIPocalypse check in day, which means a month has passed since our holiday. I was planning to work on my tablecloth, did I? Oh yes, on the plane both flights, on our balcony overlooking The Rock of Gibraltar and in the Lounge on board our cruise ship Marella Explorer. 

I have also been stitching on it since we came home and whoo hoo the border is stitched. 

I am not ironing it yet so it looks very creased, the reason is as it is my holiday piece it is golded ready for our next vacation which is coming up soon. I am now working on the satin stitch around the cross stitch, I'm not adding anything to the working or in the centre. After which there's a lot of nervy cutting to do, always a worry and it hurts my hand to hold the scissors too long. This will be my next holiday project. 

WIPocalypse is hosted by Mel at Measi's Mutterings  you will find everyone's post links on her blog.

This month's question is how do I distinguish between a Work in Progress and an Unfinished Object?

For me a WIP is something I am working on but is not my main focus and can often be left for long lengths of time, as with my tablecloth.

A UFO is something I have started, maybe stitched but not fully finished, that I am unlikely to complete but it's kept in a drawer somewhere. This year I have looked at my drawer of unfinished projects and might do a few once my current projects are complete.


  1. Nice stitching, enjoy your trip hugs June.

  2. The border is gorgeous. Can't wait to see your progress during your next vacation.


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