Whilst away I treated myself to World of Cross Stitch - I haven't bought an issue for a long time as I was finding it a bit samey. I was very pleased with the charts in this issue - I especially love the freebie booklet and the gorgeous Maderia thread - I can feel some Christmas stitching coming on (Ruby allowing).

Talking of Ruby she has been a little nightmare over the last few days at the caravan - heaven knows what gets into her sometimes. Today she has been "helping" me do some cleaning upstairs - I had to rescue a few things she thought she would like to use but she wasn't too bad. She has finally gone to bed - all on her own, into her cage and is lying down. I am surprised although I have had to put the radio on as she was waking and barking at any little noise. I wonder how long it will last :)

We're off out to a Chinese restaurant tonight; just me, DH and my dad. It's quite a posh one but worth it for a treat. No special occassion but dad has been unwell so we thought it would boost him up a little - not sure it will do my Slimming World much good though.
Happy stitching everyone, and enjoy half term for those of you who are off.
Love the new design, bet it will be a huge hit.
Awww Ruby is so lovely, how can you get cross with her LOL
WE had half term last week here
Really pretty design Clare, look forward to more up-dates.
That new design looks lovely and delicate!
Lovely design, your 'helper' seems lots of fun. Hope your meal was good and don't worry about the diet, one night out won't hurt.
Your new design looks fab...glad Ruby is settling better and enjoy your chinese....yummy :)
Your stitching is lovely as usual and Ruby will calm down!
Our Nell is a lot better and this week we had a chat to a dog trainer and we are doing most things right..she is walking better on her lead and gets off the settee now when told.. but the little ------ still tries it on and jumps up when she thinks we're not looking!Enjoy your meal we off to that fish restaurant in Kenilworth today as it is DH birthday tomorrow.. so yum yum!
Chris x
Very pretty design - looking forward to seeing it completed. Ruby's antics sound just like a naughty toddler - they are real cute when they are asleep too. LOL Hope you enjoyed the meal & that your dad feels much better soon. :0)
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