Wednesday 31 October 2012

Spooky Time

Happy Halloween
You've already seen my gift to Philly but just in case her it is again.

Philly's spooky gift.
I sent this to her at uni and included this that I found in the attic.
Philly's cushion.
She made this in 2006 when she was just 12 - not sure how her uni friends have reacted but her main worry was the photo when I put it on Twitter hee hee
I also stitched a little something for Michael - I think he has hung it in his room.
Michael's gift.
Now I have my Dad's table next to my sofa I have a free mantle as before I would use it for my coffee cup. This annoyed me as I like things symmetrical and it made the mantle odd. Now I can put my ornaments out and have decided to keep it themed with the season.... so here is my Halloween/Autumn Mantle.
Halloween Mantle
The ornament top left is an autumn exchange (2006 or 2007) from Chris who used to run Aion. The centre piece is a box finish gift but I can't remember who from or when, maybe overseas exchange, the same for the autumn one.
My two pumpkins are Partylite houses from when I used to be a consultant. We have many of their ceramic houses so you'll be seeing more over the year. The two scarecrows are two ornaments I found in France and the two coasters at the back are again exchange gifts but I've forgotten when (part of the trouble of exchanging for over 10 years LOL)
Here's a close up of the my stitching gifts - if you recognise any please let me know
Autumn/Halloween gifts.
Finally I have blogged our weekend away in my other blog - it's something I have wanted to do for
 a while and so far so good. It's called Aimetu's - hope you enjoy it too.


  1. Cute finishes Clare. Love your Halloween/ Autumn mantle.

  2. Love the mantle too Clare .Your stitching is soooo lovely.

  3. Your mantle looks great, dads table has caused some changes in your home lol.


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