Friday 28 December 2018

Christmas Thank You

It's been a lovely Christmas with our daughter here for a week; she has gone back home to Cardiff today. We also had our son home instead of serving others at the hotel; lovely but bittersweet as it was due to him having a motorbike accident on 19th December and badly breaking his wrist. He needed an operation and a plate but his check up at the hospital today shows everything is in place and should heal well.

Christmas dinner was for eight at our house: the four of us, my mum and step-dad, Hubby's mum and her partner. Traditional Turkey dinner with all the trimmings and a flaming Christmas pudding, lovely.

Thank you to my family for some very special gifts including a new stitching lamp from my Hubby.
My super new lamp
Thank you to my friends for their gifts, I really appreciate your thoughtfulness.

Thank you Gill, Christine, Dusty and Denise
Thank you Niki and Sue
Thank you Louise
Thank you Julie
Thank you Mary
Thank you Deb 
Even with the best intentions I have not been able to pick up a needle for over a week; son's accident, Christmas preparing, Christmas enjoying and Christmas resting ..... but today I am starting a new project for me.

Jardin Prive - La Pensée Positive

🥂 Happy New Year 🥂

🥂 wishing everyone a good time in 2019 🥂


  1. Clare I am glad to hear of your lovely Christmas. Your gifts are wonderful. Your son is in my prayers.

  2. Happy Holidays for you all. AriadnefromGreece!

  3. I'm glad to hear you had a nice holiday even though your son had an accident. Sounds like he will back to normal soon. Enjoy your new start.

  4. I am glad your son is healing well. Your new start is going to be beautiful. Hope you and your family has a Happy New Years.

  5. I'm glad your son is healing after his biking accident! It must've been scary for you too. Your gifts are all wonderful and your new start is a good way to start the new year!

  6. The new lamp is great.
    Lovely gifts you received
    Hope DS is not in pain and is soon healed.
    Lovely new start, I really enjoyed stitching this one.

  7. Sounds like a wonderful Christmas, in spite of your son's accident. I'm so glad he's ok!
    Such lovely gifts you received and what a perfect start to the new year.

  8. Very lovely gifts. I'm glad your son is okay, and his accident meant you all had a Christmas together x


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