Monday 31 December 2018

2018 - a year of gifts

It's been a year full of gifts as many of my friends had significant birthdays; last year I sent my stitchy friends a book for their birthdays so this year I stitched them a bookmark; our friends' daughter got married and our daughter moved home.

My stitching always has to have a purpose before I stitch it, I like to know what it will be or where is it going. All my stitching this year has been either gifts or exchanges with one exception .... finishing my Sampler Bouquet

My beautiful Sampler Bouquet
I've enjoyed stitching all these pieces and have fond memories of stitching them on our various holidays - the felt stockings were all cut out in France, the bookmarks stitched on various weekends away and the wedding sampler was stitched in Portugal.

Philippa's sewing box for her birthday 
Bookmarks for all my stitching friends here and overseas
Bookmark for Niki
Wine labels for Dave's 60th birthday 
A gift for Philippa in her new home 
Wedding gift for a super couple 
60th birthday gift for my friend in Norway
60th wine cloth for my friend Kay 
Coasters for my friends
I made 17 stockings which now hang on Christmas Trees
 all over the world - these photos are from some of my friends
Thank you everyone who has visited Aimetu's Stitching in 2018, your comments are very much appreciated, thank you.

Wishing you all a Happy New Year and many stitching happy dances in 2019.


  1. An impressive amount of stitching Claire :-) It's nice to look back on this last day of the year isn't it and see our crafty achievements.
    Happy new year to you and your family x

  2. Clare I really enjoyed looking back at all of your lovely finishes. Happy New Year my friend!

  3. Great work on everything in 2018. Good luck with your 2019 plans.

  4. Lots of lovely little crosses you have put in this year as well as the fabulous little stockings, they are so cute.
    Wishing you and the family a very Happy New Year, may be it be filled with peaceful and relaxed moments as well as happy and fun times.

  5. Such a wonderful year of stitching you've had, Clare! Wishing you every happiness in the coming new year!

  6. Beautiful stitching Clare, I love the Sampler Bouquet. Hugs, Sandy

  7. Lovely stitching Clare, I spy my tree in the collage of stockings (unless someone else you know has a glass dalek on their tree as well)

  8. You certainly made 2018 a great year of stitching, they are all beautifully finished treasures! Bring on 2019, Happy New Year!

  9. Great projects this year~ I'm glad I'm not the only one out there who needs to have a purpose when making a craft! Your sampler is beautiful and all the little stockings are so fun!

    Happy New Year to you~ :D/

  10. Such nice stitching; such nice gifts! I enjoyed your year in review.

  11. Lots of lovely pieces - the bookmarks are amazing. Happy New Year x

  12. What gorgeous gifts! I love the bookmarks and the little stockings. I particularly like the collage of all the trees with the stockings displayed.
    Let's hope that 2019 sees lots more reasons for you to link up at GG.

  13. So many gifts!Congrats! Good luck into the New Year!AriadnefromGreece!


Thank you for visiting Aimetu's Stitching - I love reading your comments, thank you for sharing your thoughts, they are very much appreciated, thank you x