Friday 6 January 2023

2023 Church Tree

This year is very exciting for us as our daughter is getting married. Our nephew is also tying the knot and there are some significant birthdays for relatives and friends. 

As you can see my stitching time is already marked with some big projects and so this year I am not stitching huge quantites for the church tree. 

I am reusing an old set of ornaments and redoing The White Tree - here is a photo of it in 2019

It is a hardanger tree and I will be adding to it with hardanger hearts, although not many ... a white tree with added hearts seems perfect for our daughter's first married Christmas. 

I have many hardanger charts but found these lovely hearts online from Nima. As the tree is completely white I will not be using the red and green. I'll either stitch as is in white or do another motif still in white. 

If anyone fancies having a go at hardanger I'd love to receive a heart or ornament of any design in white. The edges of these hearts is buttonhole stitch which is usual for edging hardanger. The main lines are kloster blocks which build up the design and any cutting is between these. 

If you would like to stitch for the tree I don't mind doing the cutting, even round the edges. You can stitch a heart without any holes, they are very effective. If you need any hardanger help please let me know. These are a few of my ornaments close up.

It will be a very exciting year and I'm very excited to be displayed The White Tree again with added white hearts.


  1. What a lovely white tree .
    I have only had one go at this, and I was not very good , so will miss out this time . Happy New Year,

  2. These look beautiful Clare.
    I haven’t stitched Hardanger and I’m not too sure I’d be able to.
    I think I will have to miss this one too.
    Happy New Year to you and yours.
    Barbara xxx

  3. Clare: The tree is lovely as are you sweet Lady.
    I have never done hardanger but am willing to give it a try.


  4. I think hardanger is so very pretty. I did try it once but it was not for me. I do look forward to seeing the tree when it is all finished.

  5. What a lovely idea to reuse decorations from a few years ago. I'm afraid Hardanger is not for me, but I do hope you receive lots of hearts from other stitchers.

  6. What a beautiful tree...and your ornaments are lovely. I've done hardanger a couple of always leaves me shaking in my shoes when it comes time to cut. I'll take a peek at some of my pattern books and see what I can come up with. I can't promise anything, but I'll see what I can do. I love stitching for your trees! Your year sounds busy, but full of excitement. Best wishes for a wonderful New Year!!

  7. Your whitework tree was so beautiful.
    Maybe we can find some “non-cut” whitework for those a little nervous about doing actual hardanger!

  8. Ha ha! Great idea from Jo there!
    Barbara xxx

  9. I'm happy to do any cutting, even the edges. I'll be blogging as I make one so everyone can see each stage.the ornaments do need to be edged in buttonhole stitch to have the effect but again I'm happy to cut out.


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